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Leonore Gruenberg

Microfinance Expert

Leonore Gruenberg
Antananarivo Madagascar
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Internationally mobile, young professional with a strong expertise in Microfinance and Rural Financial Institutions Development, currently based in New Delhi, India.
Master's degree in International Management and Economics with substantial field experience in rural areas in developing countries. In view: Preparations for an external PhD on Financial Literacy and Capability & the Importance of Trust and Social Capital for the Field Officer-Client Relationship

Core competencies :

  • Operative know-how in microfinance (commercial & NGO) and related fields
  • Tool Design (Financial Literacy and Education: both client and institution-centered)
  • Branch Management
  • HR Management (recruiting, training)
  • Environment & Market analyses, reports and research
  • Excellent organizational skills (project management)
  • Team player with leadership skills
  • Open-minded, adaptable and fast learning
  • Research on Rural Development & Microfinance - Focus on Communication and Knowledge Transfer - Institutional Learning
  • Financial Literacy & Education: Toolkit Design, Development and Implementation (Training & Awareness / Media Material)
  • PACS - Business Strategies
  • Newsletter and Media
  • Research on 'Financial Capability'
Detailed Description
  • The microfinance sector in India is highly complex and splits into numerous subcategories; understanding their functioning and communicative links, the nature and degree of efficiency of data and knowledge transfer, poses a basic prerequisite for designing adequate tools for technical assistance; this understanding is the rationale for researching communication patterns among the various stakeholders (top-down and bottom-up) in greater details
  • With an understanding of 'Financial Inclusion' not as the mere access to financial services but rather the use of the latter, the focus on financial capability is perceived as quintessential in understanding rural realities and needs.
Company Description
GIZ offers customised solutions to complex challenges. We are an experienced service provider and assist the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. We offer demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development.
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