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Leonore Gruenberg

Microfinance Expert

Leonore Gruenberg
Antananarivo Madagascar
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Internationally mobile, young professional with a strong expertise in Microfinance and Rural Financial Institutions Development, currently based in New Delhi, India.
Master's degree in International Management and Economics with substantial field experience in rural areas in developing countries. In view: Preparations for an external PhD on Financial Literacy and Capability & the Importance of Trust and Social Capital for the Field Officer-Client Relationship

Core competencies :

  • Operative know-how in microfinance (commercial & NGO) and related fields
  • Tool Design (Financial Literacy and Education: both client and institution-centered)
  • Branch Management
  • HR Management (recruiting, training)
  • Environment & Market analyses, reports and research
  • Excellent organizational skills (project management)
  • Team player with leadership skills
  • Open-minded, adaptable and fast learning
  • Research on Rural Development & Microfinance - Focus on Communication and Knowledge Transfer - Institutional Learning
  • Financial Literacy & Education: Toolkit Design, Development and Implementation (Training & Awareness / Media Material)
  • PACS - Business Strategies
  • Newsletter and Media
  • Research on 'Financial Capability'
Detailed Description
  • The microfinance sector in India is highly complex and splits into numerous subcategories; understanding their functioning and communicative links, the nature and degree of efficiency of data and knowledge transfer, poses a basic prerequisite for designing adequate tools for technical assistance; this understanding is the rationale for researching communication patterns among the various stakeholders (top-down and bottom-up) in greater details
  • With an understanding of 'Financial Inclusion' not as the mere access to financial services but rather the use of the latter, the focus on financial capability is perceived as quintessential in understanding rural realities and needs.
Company Description
GIZ offers customised solutions to complex challenges. We are an experienced service provider and assist the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. We offer demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development.
Company website

Acedemic Research

Personal studies in preparation of a PhD
March 2013
New Delhi
  • Academic Research - "The Impact of Social Capital on the Performance of the Field Officer of Rural Financial Institutions - Client-Institution Relationships in Microfinance - How to identify, support and coach "good" Field Operatives"
  • Research & Interviews on Fair Trade in Coffee in Ethiopia
  • Media Documentation (Photo Exposition)
  • Media Consultancy (Documentary)
Company website
  • Branch Manager
  • Deputy Branch Manager
  • Product Supervision
  • Responsible for Audit mission follow-up
  • Loan Officer Training Assistant
Detailed Description
  • Branch Manager : Opening and managing of a new branch (logistical preparations, regular exchange with local authorities, weekly and monthly reporting, daily management of all branch-related issues, continuous staff training and coordination of production and risk management, sales promotion and strategies, credit comités) - up to 150% of realization / targets of production.

    Product Supervision : Stimulation of sales figures with respect to one of the company's core products within the micro-loan-segment (strategic development and implementation, daily reporting and final survey, training of all staff members affiliated to the mission).

    Audit : Operational follow-up on the recommendations issued by the Audit units in cooperation with the respective branches, formulating response stategies and time table for the various branches, reporting.

    Loan Officer Training : Continuous in-service training and schooling of loan officers on an operational level ; assistance to the initial training of a new generation of loan officers, cashiers and client advisors.
Company Description
MicroCred is an investment company created by PlaNet Finance and partner investors: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Société Générale and AXA Belgium. Those founding shareholders were joined by the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) in 2007 and Developing World Markets (DWM) in 2008.

MicroCred aims to create a group of commercial microfinance companies offering financial services to low-income entrepreneurs who do not have access to the traditional financial sector.

MicroCred invests in microfinance companies and provides them with the technical assistance they need to become leading microfinance institutions in their respective countries.
Company website
  • Project consultancy
  • Negotiation assistance with the Ministry of Professional Education
  • Translations and interpretation (French-German, German-French)
Detailed Description
  • Translation : written translations of offical correspondance and projet related newsletters
  • Interpretation and negotiation assistance : accompanying the association's CEO to official meeting with Ministry representative to facilitate the direct exchange
Company Description
Association for professional eductation - main training focus : mechanical engineering and informatics
In cooperation with the Malagasy Ministry for Professionel Education and Swiss and French engineering experts
Company website
  • Loan Officer Training
  • Conducting 2 feasibility studies prior to new branch openings
  • RH Training Assistant
Detailed Description
  • During my 6 months intervention as a Banking Advisor I had the opportunity to follow a rotation though all of the company's departments and could hence familiarize myself with specifics of loan disbursment stategies, branch management and the structures of the local microfinance market.
  • Conduction of 2 feasibility studies (questionnaire, client interview, statistical and qualitative market analyses) and presentation in front of a grant commission (IFC)
  • Loan officer training - both as a participant and following as an instructure ; conception of training units and in-class as well as in-the-field training sessions
Company Description
LFS is consultant, manager and investor in the Micro- and SME Finance industry. Besides providing advisory services for microfinance institutions or commercial banks, LFS establishes commercial MSME finance banks from scratch and manages them. Through the foundation and management of Access Microfinance Holding AG (AccessHolding), an investment company, LFS is investing in these AccessHolding network banks.
LFS has built a distinguished track record for providing high-quality services and delivering impeccable project results even in difficult operating environments. LFS has evolved into a leading provider of integrated service solutions for greenfielding, downscaling, upgrading, and other advisory service projects.
  • Case preparation
  • Court assistance (civil & criminal law)
  • Client attendance and key account management
Detailed Description
  • Case preparation and office management (scheduling pre-trial interview, regular correspondence with court staff law enforcement representative and private investigators, organizing, filing, archiving)
  • Client attendance for key accounts with an hispanic background (scheduling meetings, assistant counceling and file management)
  • This experience allowed me to enlarge my professionel interest and get some valuable insights in legal administration.
Company Description
The Law Office of Kelley & Boone focuses its practice on Criminal Law, Family/Domestic Relations Law, Personal Injury Law and Labor/Employment Law. The firm handles personal injury law matters throughout the State of New Mexico. We practice in Albuquerque and Santa Fe and the surrounding counties of Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia, Socorro and Cibola.
Company website
  • Market survey and client profiling
  • Branch Manager & Loan Offier Training
  • Academic research
Detailed Description
  • Impact assessment : “Response Options on Commodity Price Inflation for the Demand and Supply in Microfinance - Evaluating Prospects and Challenges at the example of Mozambique” – design of a complying questionnaire for primary data collection, ~200 client interviews throughout the network, statistical analyses, final report.
  • Loan officer training
Company Description
AfricaWorks was established in October 2007 and officially registered in Mozambique in February 2008 as a local, non for profit organization focused on economic development interventions. It is a spinoff of the World Relief Mozambique AgriTrade and FCC microfinance programs. Vision: To be an institution that is able to provide financial services to lower income communities in order to create jobs and acquire assets to improve and transform their livelihoods. Strategic directions: Drive economic transformation in a holistic approach. Build sustainable community business models which are market driven. Focus on the economically disadvantaged. Seek attractive investment and growth opportunities. Invest and build vialbe value chains and supoprt networks.
  • Assistance with respect to a bid invitation issued by the Angolan Ministry of Fishery and Agriculture
  • Translations (English-German)
  • Business development & Network extension
  • Online & Phone Marketing
  • Product development & conceptualization
  • Market research & analyses
  • Reports & regular business evaluation
  • HRM (recruiting, training)
  • Press work
Detailed Description
  • 6 months intership and 6 months freelance - continuous work
  • In the context of the company relaunching it's website, I was entrusted with the development of adequate marketing strategies and partner acquisition for future business cooperations as well as the actual site design and conceptualization of new products and functionalities
  • Market research prior to the launch of new, country-specific versions of the site (immopro24)
  • HR recruiting and training of new staff members following the first 6 months
  • Press work : editing and publishing of interviews with international real estate experts ; establishing partnerships for the publication of real estate market reports on the site of immpro24
Company Description
Immopro24 is a B2B portal for European commercial real estate professionals which serves as a marketplace for commercial properties, such as office space, hotels, retail, leisure, industrial and gastronomic sector as well as logistics, infrastructure and property service facilities. In particular, Immopro24 aims at covering important European markets: Germany, Spain, England, and France and will soon also expand into the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Sweden and Italy.
Immopro24 provides an internal network of commercial properties and contacts for the European real estate sector, while keeping you updated with regard to European market and company developments. It serves as a publication device for market leaders of the real estate sector or/and for large enterprises and associations.
  • Market research
  • Customer attendance & Office assistance
  • Translations (Spanish-English / German-English / French-English)
Detailed Description
  • Comparative market analysis between the Croatian and Spanish second home market prior to the opening of a new branch in Zadar, Croatia.
  • Project assistance with respect to the opening and leasing of office space in the newly build Avenue Mall in Zagreb, Croatia.
Company Description
Colliers International opened an office in Zagreb, Croatia in the beginning of 2005 as an integral part of Colliers International Southeast Europe, which also has offices in Athens, Belgrade, Nis, Sofia, Split, Podgorica, Varna and Tirana.

Colliers International is recognized as one of the world's leading real estate companies and without a doubt the market leader throughout Southeast Europe. Our extended list of clients includes the largest strategic investors and corporate clients in the region. All of them benefit day to day from our knowledge of the local market and our global scale of doing business.
Company website
  • Customer attendance
  • Market research
  • Press work
  • Translations
Detailed Description
  • Customer attendance with respect to the CeBIT Hannover Fair 05 (including company representation & client acquisition as well as assisting the key accound management of the company's French business partners)
  • Press work (editing & proofreading of press articles & news to be published on the company's homepage - early form of a RSS feed)
  • Translations and interpretation (Fench-German / German-French & English-German / German-English )
Company Description
Focus on International Business

The challenges which companies have to face within the context of internationalisation, are the starting point for our editorial services, media and platforms.
The multi-lingual team of local global GmbH generates its own publications as well as convincing publishing solutions for companies and organisations. Since its formation in 1998, local global has found many customers and partners in foreign trade.
The magazines published by local global contain information for internationally active businesses: Analysis of the economic and social developments in the world markets as well as ideas and debates on global strategies.
Company website