I am a hard working iOS Developer with over 5 years of experience in iOS development for European customers. I have been working on iOS applications based mostly on communication with web services. Not only am I interested in creating runnable iOS applications but also I am a big fan of the entire process of creation and evolvement of new project ideas. Desire of building, developing and supporting client ideas gave me a reasons to set up my own new company - Coded Idea. I remain open to new contacts and business partnership. I have recently started conducting introductory courses about Software Design Patterns in order to share my knowledge in this subject.
I was working on iOS applications mostly for Polish companies from promotions and sales industry.
Technologies and Tools: Xcode, iOS, Objective-C, SQLite, Core Data, Git, TestFlight, Google Analytics, Redmine, Third-Party Libraries (like AFNetworking, Tapku).
I have started my own project called "Salony Urody" which is mobile application designed for all devices running iOS - it is available only in a Polish App Store. Application continuously communicates with REST services.