As a young and dynamic engineer, I started my career at Neuros, a 30-person company based in Paris. Its new product Okayo pictures a highly technical frame, with business and insurance-oriented challenges, within a team of five engineers. That reflects exactly what I am looking for : being able to manage all the aspects of a project (software development, consultancy, business), by getting to know all of them deeply.
Professionnally, I love to be part of a team and being a leader on major projects, and to keep learning new subjects while all those things are on the road. I also learned to be a self-starter when it comes to ideas, in order to avoid regressions, as well as stagnations (professionnally and personnally).
École Centrale de Lyon is one of the oldest graduate schools in France. It is considered one of the most prestigious French “Grandes Écoles” of engineering. Specific subjects :
IT : network, Web development, Structured data (XML, XPath, etc.), Java, etc.
Telecommunications network
Business development : international negotiations, strategic marketing
Other “general" skills : Human sciences, Math, Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Structural analysis, etc.
Self development : implication in project, team sports, associations, etc.
French "classes préparatoires" lead to high level exams in order to enter the most prestigious French engineering schools. After thoses courses, we are able to deal with highly technical problems and reflexions, besides international business environments. Main subjects of study : Maths, Physics, Chemical, English, Phylosophy.