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Julien Dubois

Software engineer specialized in distributed systems

36 years old
Paris (75005) France
Employed Just looking around
I am a French engineering student, passionate about computer science and always willing to deepen and widen my knowledge.

My degree course at Supélec (Paris) and KTH (Stockholm) provided me with a multidisciplinary ground education and a technical specialization around the conception of distributed systems.

I now wish to find an innovative working environment, to use this knowledge in a useful purpose and keep learning about such subjects as distributed transactions, multi-agent systems, Web services or networking.
It would also be a great motivation to expand my knowledge to other technology domains such as computer hardware, cloud computing or Web development.

I was trained throughout my studies to quickly understand and learn in complex environments, and given a solid taste to analyse and solve complex problems. I am thus searching for a really challenging job, asking for active thinking and good analytic skills.

I will be glad to answer your questions by mail or by phone.

Have a good visit !
Best regards,
Julien Dubois
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • YouTube Topics team
  • Semantic annotation of YouTube videos
  • Real-time and batch infrastructures
  • Improve and add scalability to a monitoring system for cloud-based applications
  • Technical environment: Java/Eclipse, Linux, LAMP, ZooKeeper, bash scripting
  • Performance benchmark of several voice recognition engines in the context of air traffic control
  • Design and implementation of a complex software system interfacing with several recognition engines, and assembling and using their results
  • Integration of the technology into an air traffic controller workstation mock-up
  • Technical environment: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Java, C#, Flex, C, XML, TCP/UDP, Windows, Linux, SVN
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Double degree and specialization in distributed information systems

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Stockholm

September 2009 to May 2011
Program of the 2-year Master in "Software Engineering of Distributed Systems".
120 ECTS credits, including a 7-month degree project as an internship.
Education in English, and intensive swedish courses
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Engineer's degree


September 2007 to May 2011
French Grande Ecole of Engineering, specialized in Energy and Information technologies.
Two years of multidipliscinary education, then a two-year specialization in double degree at KTH (see above)
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Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPGE)

Lycée Blaise Pascal, Orsay (91)

September 2005 to July 2007
Two years of preparation to enter a graduate school of engineering.
Cursus : MPSI then MP*

Baccalauréat S, Mention Très Bien

Lycée Descartes, Antony (92)

September 2003 to June 2005


  • I am strongly passionate about classical music. I sing and play the viola, and have been involved in numerous choir and orchestra experiences, around Paris and Stockholm. My current choirs frequently give concerts in Paris.
  • Java
  • C++
  • Data structures and algorithms
    Involved in algorithm competitions (TopCoder, Google Code Jam, Codeforces)
  • Actionscript + MXML
  • C#, Basic, Erlang, Prolog, HTML, CSS, PHP
  • Artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, also interested in genetic algorithms and neural networks
  • Web Services: XML, RESTful services, SOAP and WSDL, BPEL architectures
  • Distributed architectures: P2P, client-server, 3-tier and n-tier systems, time and failure models
  • Distributed algorithms: clocks, consensus and élections algorithms, distributed transactions, locks, fault tolerance and replication
  • Internet and networking protocols, OSI and TCP/IP models
  • Proficiency with Eclipse
  • Developing knowledge about recent open-source solutions around distributed systems: Mapreduce, ZooKeeper, Hadoop.
  • Software engineering: development cycles, UML, OOP concepts and good techniques
  • Project management: planning, risk management and communication.
    Relevant experience by participating in the leading of the Supélec "Gala" 2008 (5000+ attendees) as a security manager
  • Good analytical and writing skills
  • Long experience of private tuition
  • English: professional level
  • German: medium level, many travels in Germany
  • Swedish: basic level, one year of intensive training in Stockholm