The United Nations Student Association Maastricht is an academic, non-profit organization of students for students with 400 members in the field of international politics. In my function as president I was responsible for leading and coordinating the Heads of Committees and the weekly board meetings. I was the final decision maker on matters concerning the entire association in terms of events, annual agenda, reports and on the annual budget of 110,000€. Besides, I was the head representation of the association at events, at Maastricht University and with UN- and EU-officials. The largest events are EuroMUN, a conference with 600 participants, and a career week, Careers Beyond Borders, on international politics with 700 attendees.
Company Description
About the association: UNSA Maastricht aims at bringing the UN spirit, its ideas and international politics to Maastricht University by organizing lectures, panel debates, publishing its own magazine, sending volunteers abroad to various partner NGOs and by engaging in Model United Nations (MUN). UNSA organizes continental Europe's largest MUN, EuroMUN, and sends a Permanent Delegation to MUNs all around the world.
Internship at corporate customer support. Project work: Planning, informing and assisting corporate customers with the changes of the transition of the SEPA-system. Further tasks: Research work and assisting the corporate customers.
Internship in the global HR team for corporate IT. Tasks: Assisting with application processes, including the interviews, Presentation for new employees about the company and Research work.