Experience in EU’s external policies (European Commission, DG TRADE). Private sector experience notably in an EU's business association (BusinessEurope), a French Champagne company and a consulting firm.
Working in DG TRADE, Directorate E (Neighbouring Countries, Industry, Goods, Regulatory Cooperation and Public Procurement), Unit E3 (Industry, Goods, Energy, Customs and Origin).
Monitored EU policy developments in the European Parliament
Worked on EU socioeconomic governance
Took part in the European Social Dialogue
Detailed Description
As part of BUSINESSEUROPE (Social Affairs department):
Monitored relevant policy developments in the European Parliament related to employment and social affairs dossiers, in particular the EMPL, LIBE, FEMM and ECON committees and informed the advisers of important developments;
Conducted an assessment of the way in which the European Commission and Council addressed national employment and social policy challenges, within the framework of the European Semester, in the 2015 country specific recommendations;
Attended internal meetings of the Department and external meetings as necessary, including meetings between EU social partners and the Commission with regard to the European Semester and the European Social Dialogue;
Supported BUSINESSEUROPE's activities in the context of the European social dialogue by preparing two presentations summarising the recent EU social dialogue outcomes, i.e. a joint social partners "in-depth employment analysis" and the "EU social dialogue work programme for 2015-2017";
Assisted in particular with the knowledge-gathering and updating of information on national labour market reforms, as part of shaping BUSINESSEUROPE's involvement in EU governance processes;
Took part in the Employers' Young Professionals Academy (EYPA), a project conducted by the Programme for Employers’ Activities of the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO).
Company Description
BUSINESSEUROPE is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance. A recognised social partner, BUSINESSEUROPE speaks for all-sized enterprises in 34 European countries whose national business federations are its direct members.
Project description: Responsible for the Y-Vote Convention in Brussels which took place in April 2014. The Convention focused on different existing visions of how the European Union should develop, taking into account geographical, social, economic and political aspects.
Took part in developing the content ofr the 5-day Convention
Responsible for the selection of a Panel of 25 candidates from all over Europe
Managed logistical aspects
Took part in communication activities
Detailed Description
Organised brainstorming activities on topics of interest for the agenda of the Convention, such as: Workshop on parliamentary groups and their political programmes; Workshop on ways to make the EU more participative; Migration and the EU; Youth Employment; Single Market
Organised invitation of experts and MEPs and participated in fundraising activities
Contributed in a good coverage of the event: developing advertising and marketing communications material; creating dossiers for external stakeholders; preparing Lines-to-take
Company Description
Employer description: AEGEE's mission gravitates around the ideal of a unified Europe. As such,the Association operates at international level and brings in contact 13000 students from 40 different countries. Sector: Non-profit International Organisation
As part of the European Students' Forum (AEGEE), I have been selected for participating in a Convention in Lublin (Poland) on the thematic of «Nationalism in Europe» which took place in February 2014.
Advocated for a Social Erasmus program; a project that aims to motivate exchange students to give back to the local community under 3 main areas of action: education, environment and charity
Created and held a new event under my supervision: exchange students were invited to donate the clothes they no longer used to local charity organizations
Participated in official events (e.g.Open Doors Days at the University of Strasbourg and at the European Parliament) and organized festive,cultural and sport events
Managed a team of 12 people to welcome volunteers and provide them with accommodation in the run-up to the organisation's International Section meeting held in Strasbourg in March 2013.
Company Description
Sector: Non-profit International Organisation ESN is a student organization whose mission is to represent international students, and as such provide opportunities to learn about other cultures and develop as an individual.
Developed an overarching marketing and communication strategy, including efficient transposing of US corporate marketing and communication material on the French market
Worked on online corporate communication activities
Market analysis:
Analysis of product performance against competition and thorough analysis of the company's brand image and brand identity on the European and American markets
Event management
Organised conferences, Debates, Networking events
Company Description
Sector: Consulting Agency VITAL SMARTS is a Management and Project Management Consulting Agency for corporate organizations. Axel Performance is the exclusive French franchise of the American group VITAL SMARTS.