Committed to social change and transformations for improving people's lives.
Involved in social innovation as a platform for more democratic, effective and humane responses to complex challenges.
Wide knowledge of public policy solutions for sustainable development challenges, of the formal structures and practical work of public administrations and other State tiers in Latin America and Europe, and wider governance issues.
International expertise on drug policy, citizen security and criminal justice from a sustainable development and human rights approach.
Absolutely convinced that the best solutions and transformations will come from local initiatives connecting sound public policy with inclusive and innovative local economic development processes.
Interested on the use of social and solidarity economy approaches for the economic inclusion of the most vulnerable and for the generation of alternatives to illicit economies.
Growing interest in research, including monitoring and evaluation processes.
Management of the SAVIA (Salud y Vida en las Américas) project, a regional Latin American initiative (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela) for the development of regional and local drug use and social integration programs.
Capacity development of local authorities and other institutional, civil society and community actors.
Management of national/local grant programs for the financing of social inclusion and prevention programs from local authorities.
Training of local stakeholders on drug use and social integration policies and local drug policy design.
Development of local rapid-assessment studies on drug consumption.
Technical assistance for the formulation of local drug policies and regulations.
Co-financing and fund-raising for local drug demand reduction initiatives.