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Ivan Stevanus Chandra

Ivan Stevanus Chandra

Process Safety Expert and HSE Regional Manager

40 years old
Driving License
Jakarta (14410) Indonesia
Employed Open to opportunities
Currently working in Global and one of the biggest Chemical Company as Process Safety and EHS Manager Regional Asia Pacific for Dispersion, Resin and Additives Business Unit.

Previously, worked as Process Safety Engineer (Eng 2) with Tripatra Engineering for Oil and Gas Clients such as ConocoPhilips, Pertamina, BP, Chevron, Santos etc.
In Norway, working as Technical Safety Engineer with Aibel AS - Haugesund/Stvanger. Enroll in preliminary engineering study on Safety Design (Feed, Offshore verification, Change flag and Reporting) to IFD (issued for design) until installation. Last Project for onshore plant (Kårstø and Snøhvit) as a DRE (Discipline Responsible Engineer). I was also be part of offshore project as well in Gullfaks B modification specific job in Fire and Gas detectors with SIL Assessment. Client is Statoil or Equinor.

Lastly, I was working in various position as HSE Engineer, Assistant HSE Analyst or Safety Officer in several companies.

Double degree of Master degree in Risk Engineering (specific qualification in Risk Engineering that concentrate in Reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS) analysis and structural and safety process.) at ICSI, INSA Toulouse and Master’s degree in Management of Industrial Risks and Environment from Poitiers University.
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NEBOSH Process Safety Management


September 2019 to December 2019
The NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management provides the knowledge and understanding of Process Safety Management (PSM) to ensure holders of this certificate can contribute to the effective management of process safety risks.

Certificate: RCC UK, Certified PSM NEBOSH – Master Log Certificate No. 00512452/11469522019
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Process safety leadership
  • Management of process risk
  • Process safety hazard control
  • Fire and explosion protection

HAZOP Expert

TUK, Indohes Safety School

August 2019
HAZOP Expert BNSP LSP LSK-ICCOSH – Certified Reg No.: SAK 042 00617 2019

• Introduction and course objectives
• Basic introduction to the risk assessment process
• Different hazard identification techniques
• Hazard & Operability Study: Basic Concept & Methodology, Terminology
• The role of the chairman, secretary and the team members
• Risk ranking at the HAZOP study
• HAZOP process in detail including the follow-up and review process
• Detailed look at the HAZOP process
• Introduction to technique for procedural HAZOP
• Procedural HAZOP exercise including discussion of results
• HAZOP actions/recommendations and HAZOP reports
• Introduction to the HAZOP 2 technique
• Advantages and disadvantages of the HAZOP technique
• Pointers for effective HAZOPs
• Course review including question and answer session

Course: IMG.KK02.018.01 and IMG.KK03.003.01
FSE 100 and FSP Certificate - FSPSG-180405 001
Introduction to Safety Instrumented Systems
Principles of Risk Management
The Safety Lifecycle
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
Consequence Analysis
Likelihood Analysis
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
Tolerable Risk
SIL Target Selection
Safety Requirements Specification (SRS)

Master Specialist in Risk Engineering

ICSI, INSA Toulouse

October 2011 to October 2012
An overview of generic aspects of risk management. Indeed, engineers who control hazards must have a global approach as issues combine numerous aspects. This first part deals with the concept of risk, risk analysis (identification and estimation), treatment, communication and consultation as well as risk management systems. It includes models, techniques and tools used for any source of risk.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Process, Structural and Functional Safety
  • Inheret Safety (Designing safety)
  • Quantitative Approach for Safety
  • Qualitative Approach for Safey
  • Dependability of computing systems
  • Human, Organizational and Social Factors of Safety
  • Safety Management
  • Risks associated with electromagnetic radiation
  • Nuclear safety
  • Toxicological risks for human health, environmental risks associated with toxic products, natural and technological risks for construction
  • Hazard identification, assessment techniques, controls and standards

Master of Management of Industrial and Environmental Risks

IRIAF, Université de Poitiers, France

September 2009 to September 2011
IRIAF (Institute of Industrial, Insurantial and Financial Risk) is composed of two faculties : Risk Management and Statistics for Health and Insurance. The two departments comply each other to provide a different approches of risk management, from technical and mathematical point of views.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Sciences du danger (AMDEC, HAZOP, MOSAR, HACCP, Analyse fonctionnelle et Arbres logique), Risques naturels, Rayonnements et radioprotection, Risque Incendie et Explosion
  • Management sécurité (Métier préventeur, POI (Plan d’Opération Interne) et PPI (Plan Particulier d’intervention), Etude de danger
    Norme OHSAS 18001, « Risk management », Sûreté, protection des locaux et Sécurité civile et OU Plan ORSEC, Fiabilité humaine et Risques domestiques et Gestion de crise
  • Droit (Réglementation ICPE - Etude d’impact - Directive SEVESO
    La déclaration d’utilité publique, La réglementation CHSCT et le code du travail, Risques et assurances) et Réglementation ERP & IGH, Transport des matières dangereuses, Droit de l’environnement (français)
  • Sciences de l’environnement (Génie des procédés appliqué à l’environnement : Traitements des résidus gazeux, liquides et solides, des sites pollués, des odeurs et du bruit,
    Procédés propres, Énergie et Environnement, Épuisement des réserves naturelles, Augmentation de l’effet de serre, Dégradation de la couche d’ozone, Risques sanitaires et écotoxiques, Altérations physiques des écosystèmes
    Nuisances (odeurs, bruit), Évaluation des risques environnementaux :ACV, Etude d’impact, SIG, Diagnostic environnemental, et Empreinte écologique
  • Management Qualité (es concepts scientifiques de la qualité
    Evaluation de la qualité des services et des produits
    Systèmes de références Qualité (ISO 9000, ISO 17799)
  • Management Qualité - Sécurité - Environnement : Management Sécurité : Norme ILO-OSH, Management Environnement :
    Normes ISO 14000 et application, Ecoconception et Certification produits : les écolabels et HQE, Management intégré Q-S-E :
    Management intégré (IOSH) et QSE et développement durable

Bachelor degree of Public Health majoring Occupational Safety and Health

University of Indonesia

August 2003 to August 2007
Safety and Occupational Health Sciences, is part of Community Health Sciences. Scientific Occupational Safety and Health, is the science and art in the management of hazard (danger) and the risk of workplace conditions in order to create a safe and healthy.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a multidisciplinary science, which includes basic science and applied science. Basic sciences include physics, chemistry, biology, social, math, psychology and behavioral sciences. Development and needs of science / expertise in Safety and Health is growing very rapidly following the development of science and technology (science) the production, acceleration of development through industrialization and the demands of the ever increasing needs of the job in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and health and safety levels.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a multidisciplinary science, which includes basic science and applied science. Basic sciences include physics, chemistry, biology, social, math, psychology and behavioral sciences.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Applied science including health sciences
  • Organizational Safety Behavior
  • Safety Engineering
  • Safety management System
  • Safety and Health communications and law
  • statistics and epidemiology of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Ergonomics, and Human factors and Behavior in OSH