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Iuliia Timofeeva

Iuliia Timofeeva

Mechatronics Engineer

Automation and Control
30 years old
Apprentice Available

Automation Engineer

IMA Group
Since May 2017
  • Analysis and development of the blow-mouding machine and the production of coherent documentation
  • Development of a solar powered tracker for the freight wagons, available to measure the wagon's load, shocks, vibration and temperature
  • Development of a business plan in teams and presentation of the final result to the Top Management Board of TetraPak
  • Development of a smart taillight based on the LED terchnology, implementation of the microcontroller and development of the coherent software; development of the fog and rain sensors and night and day sensors with following thermoanalysis of the whole system
  • Development of the complex marine projects, including the pipe systems and electric networks for the anti-fire HIFOG system
  • Development of the body frames for the printed circuits and radioelectronic devices