Developed tools to assess and analyse the current structure and organisation of a French administration with the aim of harmonising the operations and gain in efficiency
Developed crisis management training material for an agency of the European Commission, including exercise scenarios, slides, webpage content and best practices
Created a list of key stakeholders in the banking industry (800+ contacts) as part of a business development project
Conducted research on the European pharmacology industry as preliminary analysis for a call for tender from the European Commission
Monitored the ongoing consolidated programme to ensure FATCA compliance in all UBP group entities, this mission included periodic phone calls with the different offices and production of documents for audit trail
Enhanced a consolidated risk matrix for UBP entities with KPMG building on my risk management aptitudes
Created a set of KPIs to monitor and prevent events of default using UBP databases
Issued a comparative chart aiming at identifying specific FATCA requirements in all UBP group entities