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Giorgio Ventura

Giorgio Ventura

Application Developer

32 años
Callao (Callao 01) Perú
Asalariado Disponible
  • https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/ace8cbde-b435-46ed-bf83-a80c3b0a89e7/linked_in_profile
    This badge earner understands how to create simple to complex applications in the Node-RED flow editor. These applications include a Node-RED boilerplate that uses JavaScript and built in IBM Bluemix; a REST API; Watson cognitive applications that can translate text, analyze tone, replay audio and video, and send tweets to Twitter; and a Facebook Messenger bot that uses the Watson Conversation service.
  • Business Analyst
    Technical Specialists in this Job Role have expertise in analysis and description of business processes, and their translation into functional and non-functional IT requirements. Business analysts act as the interpreters between the worlds of IT and business. Typical examples of the deliverables are functional and non-functional requirements, use-cases, process models, and impact analysis.
  • https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/a8775f2b-bcef-4e9a-a49c-f2f34a9f7513/linked_in_profile
    This badge holder has a understanding of the essentials of IBM Cloud. Through an online course they have learned about the IBM Cloud platform and gained hands-on experience using the Cloud Foundry command-line interface and the IBM Eclipse tools for IBM Cloud. The badge earner has used these tools to deploy and modify basic applications using a managed service in IBM Cloud.