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Ghaith Jday

Ghaith Jday

Electrical Engineering Student

29 years old
Driving License
Gafsa (2100) Tunisia
Student Open to opportunities
  • Manager of IEEE ENIS Student Branch - IEEE Ozark Section Cooperation.

    IEEE Ozark\Tunisia Cooperation which is an initiative taken by IEEE ENIS Student Branch and sponsored by the American embassy in Tunisia and the University of Arkansas.The purpose of the trip was to achieve an academic and cultural exchange through attending classes, having tours in the campus, and discovering research laboratories from the other side of the world.
  • Sponsorship Manager of the IEEE TSYP 2K17 Congress.

    The Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress (TSYP) is the IEEE Tunisia section’s Annual Meeting where more than 500 engineering students from several Tunisian public and private universities, as well as young professionals, gather together to learn further details about the IEEE technical, professional, and education benefits; and to discuss the future engineering challenges worldwide and in Tunisia.
Detailed Description
  • IEEE Ozark\Tunisia Cooperation which is an initiative taken by IEEE ENIS student branch and sponsored by the American embassy in Tunisia and the university of Arkansas.The purpose of the trip was to achieve an academic and cultural exchange through attending classes, having tours in the campus, and discovering research laboratories from the other side of the world.