Uniquely positioned as a medical professional and an IT and software development veteran, my interests lie in leveraging EHR technology to help physicians to improve the quality of care that they provide. Specialty interests include Pediatrics, preventive care in the primary care setting, and population management using evidence-based guidelines to improve patient outcomes.
Specialties: Medical Informatics, Product Management, Information Design, Pediatrics (Board certified 1994-2001)
As Clinical Architect and lead clinician for the Allscripts Enterprise EHR, I worked closely with our physician users to improve product usability and clinical workflow. This included:
Established and lead the Enterprise Product Advisory Board, a group of physician users who
provide ongoing feedback on product strategy and design.
Applied my clinical training and experience to provide guidance to Business Analysts,
Developers and QA staff in ongoing design and development of the software.
Worked with functional and human factors architects on new features to ensure optimal clinical
and user experience.
Interpreted Meaningful Use regulations as part of ARRA/HITECH in order to provide guidance to
teams that need to understand how data are created in clinical applications for product
certification, documentation, and reporting
Acted as primary contact for Patient Safety concerns