Uniquely positioned as a medical professional and an IT and software development veteran, my interests lie in leveraging EHR technology to help physicians to improve the quality of care that they provide. Specialty interests include Pediatrics, preventive care in the primary care setting, and population management using evidence-based guidelines to improve patient outcomes.
Specialties: Medical Informatics, Product Management, Information Design, Pediatrics (Board certified 1994-2001)
Canopy Systems was purchased by A4 Health Systems. My duties as VP of Technology and Operations for Canopy were only initially changed by location (move from Chapel Hill to Cary) and an improvement in purchasing power (A4 had partnerships with Dell and Oracle). We experienced fairly explosive growth and expansion in data center operations as the client base increased, nearly doubling in all tiers (web, database, storage). When presented with an opportunity to leverage my clinical background, I took on an additional role as Quality Management specifications expert. In this role, I worked with clients and external vendors to implement CMS/JCAHO quarterly changes to Core Measure data to support Canopy's QM module.