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Fouaz Lekoui

Fouaz Lekoui


couches minces, PVD, CVD, traitement de surfaces, sciences des matériaux, techniques de caractérisation.
39 ans
Permis de conduire
Alger (16000) Algérie
En poste En recherche active
  • Good knowledge of vacuum techniques emptied vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum.
  • Good knowledge of thermal evaporation deposition techniques and plasma-based techniques.
    Bon niveau
  • Know-how in the field of carctérisations of materials and thin layers; DRX, MEB, EDS, Nanoindentation, Raman, LEED, XPS, STM.
    Bon niveau
  • Logiciel ˂Comsol˃, ˂Origine˃, ˂Igor Pro˃, ˂Image J˃, ˂Gwyddion˃.
    Bon niveau
  • Mastery of computer and office tools (Word, Excel .........)
    Bon niveau
  • Language; Arabe, Frensh, English.
    Bon niveau
    1. F. Lekoui, S. Hassani, M. Ouchabane, M. Hamici, Optical and Mechanical properties of ZnO-Ag films deposited by thermal evaporated, IEEE Proceeding (Conference Paper Doi : 978-1-4799-6503-8/14).
    1. F. Lekoui, M. Ouchabane, H. Akkari, D. Dergham, “ Effect of annealing temperature on the properties of Ag doped ZnO thin films” Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) 106406
    1. F. Lekoui, S. Hassani, M. Ouchabane, M. Hamici, “Optical and Mechanical properties of ZnO-Ag films deposited by thermal evaporated”. North African Workshop on Dielectric Materials for Photovoltaic Systems (NAWDMPV’2014), October 26-27, 2014, Tlemcen, Algeria.
    1. F. Lekoui, S. Hassani, M. Ouchabane, A. Doumaz, “Microstructure and optical properties of thin films ZnO-Ag obtained by thermal evaporation”. International Conference on Electro-Energy (ICEE'2014), November 09-11, 2014, Skikda, Algeria.
    1. F. Lekoui, D. Dergham, S. Hassani, H. Akkari, M. Ouchabane, M. Hamici, A. Doumaz, “ Annealing effect on the microstructural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO-Ag films deposited by thermal evaporation”. International Conference Optics and Photonics Algeria (OPAL’2015), December 13-15, 2015, Algiers, Algeria.
    1. F. Lekoui, M. Ouchabane, S. Hassani, D. Dergham, “Mechanical, Optical and Electrical properties of diamond-like carbon thin films for potential applications”. International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials 2015 (ICDCM’2015), September 6 – 10, 2015, Bad Homburg, Germany.
    1. F. Lekoui, M. Ouchabane, S. Hassani, D. Dergham, “Optical and Electrical properties of diamond-like carbon coating prepared by PECVD system”. Séminaire International sur la Physique des Plasmas (SIPP’2015), February 16 – 17, 2015, Ouargla, Algeria
    1. M. R. Boudchicha, F. Lakoui, H. Akkari, M. Baghrich and S. Achour;“Elaboration and characterisation of a novel cementitious material”.International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (CIGM), 20-22 November 2011,Skikda University, Algeria.
    1. D. Dergham, S. Hassani, M. Ouchabane, F. Lekoui, “Annealing effect on the properties of ZnO-Cu thin film prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation” European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA’2015), September 28 - October 1, 2015, Granada, Spain.
    1. M. Ouchabane, H. Salah, N. Tabet, D. Dergham, F. Lekoui and S. Hassani, “Structure and kinetic growth of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (HDLC) thin films produced by rf CH4/Ar plasma”. International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (ICDCM’2015), September 6 – 10, 2015, Bad Homburg, Germany.
    1. F. Lekoui, S. Hassani, H. Akkari, D. Dergham, M. Ouchabane, “Annealing temperature effect on structural, optical, electrical and mechanical properties of ZnO-Ag thin films” 1st International Workshop on Multifunctional Materials (IW2M-2017) Mostaganem, Algeria, October 10-12, 2017.