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Flavien MASSI

Senior Consultant

40 years old
Driving License
Esch sur Alzette (L-4159) Luxembourg
Professional Status
Just looking around
  • Project management: planning (Gantt and PERT charts, Risk analysis), technological intelligence, technology transfer, benchmarking, intellectual property right, mix-marketing, etc.
  • Innovation: creativity, innovation/idea generation, mindmap, TRIZ, blue ocean method, cahier des charges (specifications), functional/cost analysis, SWOT and Amdec.
  • Certification : ISO 9000 and ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO-TS 16949 (Quality in automotive industry), ISO 14001 (Environment)
  • Microsoft Office, Internet
  • Programming: Lab View, Visual Basic;
  • Project management: Microsoft Project, Visio;
  • CAO / Imaging: SolidWorks, Photoshop, SmartDraw, AAA Logo
  • During my MEng Innov’Europe, I’ve been part of the student association Innov’Asso. I’ve personally supported the preparation and organisation of events such as: Gala 2008 and the “Innovation seminar 2008” (principal organiser).
  • Serious, methodic and pragmatic: these skills allow me to perform several tasks at the same time and doing multi-project management.
  • Team work: I have worked in various types of teams from research projects to sportive association.
  • Intercultural skill: I am experienced at working in intercultural team in Europe, East European and Central Asian countries (EECA) and Mediterranean countries
  • Languages: French (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (scholar) and Russian (basic)
  • "Overview of research funding programmes to be applied to the Saudi Arabian context"; King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, 2014.
  • “Bakery and bake-off Market Study"; FP7 LEO; 2014
  • “Supporting the Uptake of Agri-Food Research Results into Innovation with EPC countries”, FP7-INCO.2013-9.1. Proposal successfully evaluated (score 12.5/15) and funded under the acronym SUAFRI-EPC.
  • “Low energy ovens”, FP7-KBBE, 2012. Proposal preparation (score 11.5/15).
  • “Integrating solar collectors in water heating systems of soviet-era apartment buildings for substantial energy savings”, FP7-Research for the benefits of SME associations, 2012. Proposal preparation (score 11/15).
  • “Reinforcing nano-structured material research cooperation between the Unité de Développement des Technologies du Silicium in Algeria and the European Research Area”, FP7-INCO proposal, 2011. Proposal successfully evaluated (score 14.5/15) by the European Commission and funded under the project acronym NaS-ERA.
  • “Reinforcing additive manufacturing research cooperation between the Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute in Egypt and the European Research Area”, FP7-INCO proposal, 2011. Proposal successfully evaluated (score 14/15) by the European Commission and funded under the project acronym AdM-ERA.
  • “Reinforcing e-Learning techniques and technologies research cooperation between Al Quds Open University in Palestine and the European Research Area”, FP7-INCO proposal, 2011. Proposal preparation (score 11.5/15).
  • “Stimulating cooperation between Europe and Russia in the field of semiconductor design”, FP7 SEMIDEC, 2011. Support to Russian semiconductor design organisations to join EU research consortia and to Russian students to find secondments in European R&D organisations.
  • “Market study of research opportunities in Embedded systems design and testing”, Tallinn University of Technology, FP7 CREDES, 2010.
  • “Comparative study of Best Practices in business incubators funding for Ukraine”, State Agency of Ukraine for Investments and Innovation, 2010.
  • “Assessments and practical recommendations for Kaunas University of Technology to support its increased participation in EU programmes”, KTU, Lithuania, 2010.
  • “Joint Action Plans - JAPs, in support to Belarusian and Ukrainian research organisations to find Cooperation opportunity within Europe”, FP7 SCUBE-ICT, 2009.
  • “Ukrainian aeronautics research and Technology groups Brochure”, FP7 AERO-Ukraine, 2009.
  • “Micro- / Macro-economic study of BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and how to collaborate with in the current context”, Trinity Partnership, 2009. This economic intelligence study has been used to write the book: “Pourquoi l'Inde nous intéresse”, Michel Testard, Village mondial, 2010.
  • “Innovation and Creativity study using the TRIZ method to enhance the productivity of cereal crops in rural fields”, 2009.
  • “Market study of packaging used in snacking products, benchmarking, future trends, consummation habits and innovative product development – EcoPackSnack”, Food development, 2008. Creativity activities and design of innovative packaging with an emphasis on environmental-friendly character: eco-conception, technology transfer, CAD.
  • “Market survey of European SMEs and large companies interested in R&D collaboration and technology transfer with development of consortia and proposals for EU project”, Institute of Microtechnologies - Romania, 2008.
  • “Programme SMART (Start Market Analysis for Research and Technology): Technology transfer between a maritime R&D institute and Croatian SMEs”, Brodarski Institute - Croatia, 2008. Provide training about European Commission’s FP7 R&D programme and how to join European research consortia.