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Senior Program Manager

Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
I have two main activities :
N°1 : Full time job at General Electric Renewable Energy as Digital Senior Program Manager (in Industrial IOT, Digital Thread, Digital Twin...)

2 : Freelance Coaching & Consulting in: inbound marketing, visual communication, personal branding, organization & marketing of projects, business intelligence (KPIs / Dashboard) and competitive intelligence / business warfare.

Feel free to contact me about these topics

Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Executive MBA in Competitive Intelligence

Economic Warfare School of Paris

March 2012 to December 2012
*** Economic Warfare School of Paris ***
Helping firms to win markets in the global competition

Ever since its creation in 1997, the Economic Warfare School (Ecole de Guerre Economique in French) has been developing an academic curriculum based upon the assumptions that

  1. economic struggles have been on the rise for the last 20 years, and

  1. information management is the primary means used by contenders to gain the upper hand.

Our methodology goes beyond those traditionally used by corporate management and market competition theories, and are specifically tailored to suit decision-makers' needs.

Our world grows more complex as each day passes by and successful endeavors are built upon high-quality information management strategies, be they turned inward or outward from a given company. As a matter of fact, the latter has yet to come to terms with the many links interlocking the geopolitical, societal and competitive elements that make up an ever-changing environment in which the economy is run.

Because of such a level of intricacy, companies require a broad range of skills in order to address informational warfare on the economic battlefield.

The way Competitive Intelligence is taught at the CCI is specifically tailored to analyze and deal with economic contentions that are fashioned by States and private companies alike.

The global economic crisis strengthens the College for Competitive Intelligence's viewpoint as well as the legitimacy of its teachings and trainings.
Our curriculum and research program are based on a forward-looking risk management methodology.
This is a down-to-earth response to the many new challenges a company must face in the decades to come.

Digital & Computing Sciences Engineer

ESIEA - Ecole d'Ingénieurs en Sciences et Technologies du Numérique

September 1991 to February 1997
*** Digital Sciences and Technologies (Computer Science and Embedded Systems). ***

Educating engineers who combine high levels of technical and scientific expertise with proven personal skills; this is ESIEA’s ambition. This balance of skills makes our graduates attractive to employers and enhances their ability to progress within professional organisations and in varied fields.
ESIEA’s coursework is based on theorical and practical teaching, on a wide variety of subjects all related to industry. Find out more about the curriculum.

As a top-ranked engineering school, ESIEA’s mission is to train engineers capable of designing, developing and integrating systems and applications in the IT field.

Solid IT training
ESIEA is an engineering school providing training in information systems and embedded systems.
ESIEA favours a multidisciplinary approach. Courses and projects integrate several fields of study at once, allowing students to see the connections between computer programming and mathematics or physics and electronics… This holistic approach better prepares our students for the realities an engineer confronts on a daily basis.
Information systems touch our lives on all levels. The employment opportunities are endless : from systems and network administrators to analyst / programmers in all areas of industry.
Embedded systems lead to concrete realisations : mobile technologies, virtual and augmented reality, robots for exploration or industrial projects. By stuyding programmable components and signal processing our students learn to master systems as a whole.
A scientific project every year : going from “a big idea” to a concrete realisation
ESIEA trains engineers. The word engineer comes from the Latin “ingenium” which evokes notions of innovation, creativity and the ability to go beyond what already exists.
Our pedagogical approach fosters invention and innovation. Our students apply skills they have acquired to a variety of projects which become more and more complex each year.
This is an effective way to prepare them for technologies that are constantly changing and also encourages them to innovate and to develop teamworking skills.

How are ESIEA’s methods different from those of other Engineering schools?
ESIEA bases its teaching methods on the education-research-innovation triangle. We aim at giving each of our students a taste for constant learning and entrepreneurship. Our mission is to train engineers able to adapt and contribute to the evolution of society. ESIEA’s main characteristic since its creation in 1958 is to offer multidisciplinary training. It gives priority to the human dimension in the understanding of technologies. Each student is brought to become aware of his/her personal qualities and potential, both at school and in everyday life, through individualized support.

How is ESIEA’s education organized?
Our primary concern is the development of qualities like adaptability, a sense of responsibility and a taste for experimentation very early in their education. The first year focuses on working methods and reasoning, both scientific and technical, to successfully engage in engineering studies. The 2nd and 3rd years revolve around team projects with a learning-by-doing approach. These two years allow ESIEA students to gain experience abroad and to forge a rewarding career path. The last two years are an opportunity for ESIEA students to personalize their course. They can choose between two subjects : Information Systems (Computer Science) and Embedded Systems (Electronics). It is up to them to build their own path during their 5th year with a specialized major among six available, and a minor (technical and managerial) among thirteen.

How do technical advances impact on ESIEA’s teaching?
ESIEA regularly updates its teaching in order to allow its students to develop the most relevant skills for their future career. ESIEA’s program takes technological advances into account and offers new majors and minors every year. For example problematics such as cyber security, Big Data, the Cloud, virtualisation, smartgrids, connected objects and applications in arts or healthcare. In a world in which technologies evolve rapidly, ESIEA chooses to look beyond technical expertise and incites its students to explore their abilities and knowledge, with the support of teachers, researchers and businesses, contributing to this attitude. These interactions allow ESIEA to teach a wide range of cutting-edge subjects that are motivating and tightly linked to a professional environment.