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Marta Colombo

Sales Manager

Logistica e spedizioni
Gestione pallets
Contabilità industriale
Gestione Fornitori e clienti
Marta Colombo
50 anni
Patente di guida
Giussano Italia
Status professionale
Aperto a diverse opportunità
Curriculum creato su DoYouBuzz

Digital Certification Program


Febbraio 2017 a febbraio 2018
Final Grade : 93/100

Postgraduate Course in Digital Marketing:
168 hours + 60 hours of Work Experience

Area Social Media:
►Linkedin Marketing; ►Facebook Community Marketing; ►Facebook Advertising; ►Google Plus Marketing; ►Twitter Marketing; ►Wordpress for Blogging & Seo Copywriting;
►Digital PR; ►Web Reputation & Social Media Monitoring; ►Personal Branding & Professional Success; ►Instagram & Pinterest Marketing;
►Snapchat; ►Content Marketing & Blogging.

Area Web:
►Digital Strategy; ►Website Creation & Wordpress; ►Seo Base; ►Sem & Display Advertising Base; ►Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation; ►Web Analytics Base; ►Email Marketing; ►Mobile Marketing; ►E-Commerce Strategies & Management; ►Affiliate Marketing;
►Location Base Marketing.

Area Web Advanced:
►SEO Advanced; ►SEM Advanced; ►Web Analytics Advanced; ►E-commerce Software & Magento.
Dettagli ed attività extracurricolari
  • During the evening work experience I joined the team Seo Copywriting to practise on SEO strategies. Our acitivities were creating and optimising text and articles using keywords and longtails given by the coach weekly. While writing the text we had to avoid keywords stuffing, using Seo titles, design good content, coherent links and good attractive headings. The goal was to achieve through the KPI measurement the specific top positioning of our texts within a certain period of time. (Some tools used: Wordpress, Google Search Console, SEMRush, Canva, Pixler Editor)
Master’s Degree in History of the English Language
Dettagli ed attività extracurricolari
  • Final Grade 110/110

Bachelor Degree in Translation

SSIT Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e traduttori Altiero Spinelli

1992 a 1995
Bachelor Degree in Technical Translation Eng-Ita


Jean Monnet

1987 a 1992
High School with specialisation in languages

Eramus Scholarship

University of Saarland

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