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Management de la RSE, spécilisée en marketing et communication

Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
I am graduate in a master degree in Management,specialized in Corporate Social Responsibilty and Sustainable development . My mains options was about marketing and communication, human ressources and education.
I have experiences in compagnies, NGO and public field in project management as cultural or environmental events, leading summer camps and training programs.
My long term carrer goal is to create my own compagnie in management consulting. I also want to be coach in personal development for professionals people.
My strengts are my fast learning and adaptability, creativity and determination, organisational and team work skills, autonomy and curiosity.
Presently, I travel to live experiences that will enrich my background to practice these jobs. I am writting a blog about it, and my mains articles are speaking about sustainability issues, responsible tourism and personal well-being.

I am looking for a job in New Zealand to enriche my experiences, work in a foreign language and keep travelling while living as a real kiwi.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Writing of various contents (travelers advice, report formats, portraits format, travel diary, storytelling)
  • Creation and administration of the website www.lpvde.com via wordpress (rights, site structure, design of the reading path, maintenance ...)
  • Photographs to illustrate the content
  • Social media management: facebook, twitter, instagram, Tumblr, Youtube channel

Founder of association

SAENA - Sustainable Development Awareness Association
Since January 2014
  • Create the association
  • Aim of the association : "Raise awareness, educate, train and / or advise different actors, by innovative means and exchanges, on the societal, social, environmental and economic stakes of the contemporary world"
  • CSR Project
    • Diagnosis of existing procedures
    • Design and realization of a tool to raise awareness of the actions carried out
    • Creation of playful tools for inciting a change in consumer behavior (nudge)
    • Recommendation of solutions to be put in place for continuous improvement
    • Improving safety working conditions of staff (masks, gloaves...)
  • Service and cooking
    • Serving lunch and dinner
    • Dishes
    • Cooking for staff member
  • Gardening
    • Weeding
    • Rasberry planting
  • Renovation
    • Laying of glass wool

Logistician and coordinator

Eco Village - Taiwan
April 2017
  • Reception and Training of New Volunteers (6 people train)
  • Help with the organization of local life
  • Reorganization of the kitchen place
  • Creation of a management tool and distribution of tasks
  • CSR projects:
    • Rethink and implement the responsible purchasing approach (ecological supplies, solidarity-based catering services, etc.) in conjunction with the national economic model delegate.
    • Responsible events management (rental of rooms, supplier relations ...): extension of the catalog of service providers according to "sustainable" criteria.
    • Realization of an internal communication campaign (selective sorting, anti-waste ...)
  • Multi-stakeholder coordination:
    • Management of the reception team (individualized follow-up)
    • Support to National Delegates (Communication and External Relations, Education, Administration Finance, International, HR & Training, Territorial Animation and Development, Economic Model)
    • In direct contact with the General Delegate, the Deputy General Delegate, the President and the Treasurer.
  • Personal assistant :
    • Monitoring of cross-cutting issues (partnerships, HR, strategy & governance, legal ...)
    • Support for the general functioning of a large association (17,000 volunteers, 120 employees)
  • Designing the curriculum

    • August 2016 «Itinerant stays»
    • August 2015 «Study abroad»
    • August 2015 «Teenagers»
  • Leading and training the team of trainers
  • Advise participants on waste recycling
  • Creation and administration of a CSR monitoring questionnaire for the Secretary General of Cop21
  • Creation and animation of teaching materials around the sorting theme
  • Development of awareness-raising tools.

Project manager

Associazione Pietrine - Italy
September 2015 to November 2015
  • Putting in place actions to raise awareness of organic issues
    Home missions:
    • Host volunteers on site and accompany them throughout their experience
    • Coordination of daily life and logistics (meals, transport ...)
  • Agriculture:
    • Care with olive trees
    • Plantation of aromatics
    • Construction of a fence
    • Bottling of the oil at the press
  • Communication :
    • Reflection on the swarming of the ecological transition in the Gargano
    • Photo report throughout the stay
    • Mounting of the photo exhibition
    • Writing an article
    • Help with Christmas sales
  • PhD researches in Management, Socio-Anthropology and CSR
  • conduct a review of the literature on the subject
  • interview specialists
  • formulate the problem and the working hypotheses
  • create a search protocol
  • fund research
  • Accompanying employees in the integration of new practices
  • Organize and animate "super coders" (digital education)
  • Monitoring, synthesis and dissemination of specific Telecom themes for team training Stakeholder dialogue campaign
  • Create and animate the Group CSR intranet pages
  • Coordonate the new CSR representant
  • Organize 10 CSR events with partners (AFEV, ACF ...) : conferences, workshops, expositions...

Management de la RSE

IAE GUSTAVE EIFFEL - Université Paris 12

September 2013 to September 2014
Normativité : de la soft law à la hard law, NRE, ISO 26 000,Global compact, GRI...

Des thématiques : droits humains, discrimination, égalité, SST, équitable, chaine globale de valeur

Des approches : RH, Droit, Contrôle, Philo, Environnement, Achat...

Marketing, Sciences de gestion

IAE Institut Administration des Entreprises de Brest

September 2012 to June 2013
Stratégie / Communication
Marketing international et interculturel
Etudes de marché

Lettres Modernes, Métiers de l'écrit

Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot

September 2010 to June 2011
Littérature, psychologie sociale,
philosophie, histoire, géopolitique

Médias, Culture et Société

Université Montpellier 3 Paul Valery

September 2009 to June 2010
Médias, Médiation, Sémiologie,
analyse des interactions verbales

Art dramatique

Cours Florent

September 2008 to June 2010
Diction, improvisation, chant, Cinéma

Art du spectacle

Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle

September 2008 to June 2009
Théâtre / Cinéma
  • I Movie (confirmé)
  • Final Cut pro (bonne)
  • In design (débutant)
  • Power point (confirmé)
  • Photoshop (bonne)
  • Stratégie
  • Marketing
  • Communication (internet/externe)
  • Gestion d'équipe
  • Evènementiel
  • Création de pages intranet (contenu et mise en page)
  • Parties prenantes
  • normes managériales, juridiques et sociales
  • GRH : discrimination, organisation du travail...
  • audit et reporting
  • conduite du changement et business models
  • Tourisme
  • Psychologie sociale
  • Littérature
  • Médiation Culturelle
  • Art du spectacle : théâtre, cinéma, musique
  • Séjours itinérants en groupe : Grèce (3 semaines), USA (1 mois)
  • Séjours chez l'habitant : Indonésie (1 mois)
  • Séjours à pied, ou transports locaux : italie (6 semaines), Australie (4 mois)
  • Découverte des cultures, et particularités locales : Madrid (3 semaines), Londres, Prague,
  • Théâtre
  • Cinéma
  • Photographie
  • Sports de grimpe : via ferrata, canyoning, escalade..(niveau loisir)
  • Sports d'eau : rafting, canoë (niveau loisir)
  • Hautbois
  • Chorale et orchestre (pendant 8 ans)