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Domenico Iembo

Domenico Iembo

Bachelor Degree in Politics (Major in International Relations)

29 years old
Driving License
Reggio Emilia (42123) Italy
Student Available
Ambitious, enthusiastic and highly motivated student. Greatly passionate about philosophical theories, different cultures and main issues troubling the modern world.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Liceo Scientifico: Maturità Scientifica

Liceo Scientifico Aldo Moro

September 2009 to June 2014
The study plan mainly focused on scientific and linguistic studies, providing mathematical and physical knowledge useful for organizational scheduling skills. Furthermore, the language studies integration allowed me to develop communication skills and sensibility to international cultures.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Final Grade: 75/100
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy
  • English
  • French
  • German