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Djasrabe Naguingar

Djasrabe Naguingar

Data Base Administrator

37 years old
Driving License
N'Djaména (235) Chad
Employed Available
    • Helpdesk & Support (Ticket Management System with OTRS, Support and troubleshooting of users)- Manage users in multi-sites (Ndjamena, Badila, Mangara) for access to Glencore IT infrastructure- Manage IT equipment and weekly inventory via GLPI system- Implementation of all IT procedures on wiki- Configuration and administration of Oracle 10g/SQL Server 2012 Database, related to the operation of internal applications like Primavera, Nava, Sun, Arcgis ; Master Data Services Excel Addin- Set up Computers and others devices, manage deployment for access to services across departments- Design and implementation business software’s- Backup and restore all corporate applications- Add/Remove computers in the domain