Study of the effects of pesticides on zebrafish reproduction. During this study, histological, endocrine and molecular in vitro and in vivo investigations showed that a pharmaceutical fungicide (clotrimazole) impacted steroidogenesis directly and indirectly, leading to effects on spermatogenesis. At the end, a model of the action of clotrimazole was proposed.
3 articles published (A rank)
Developed skills in molecular biology, biochemistry and exposology
Acquired skills in cell culture, analytical chemistry (Solid Phase Extraction, HPLC), reproductive toxicology, histology and regulatory ecotoxicology
Participation to international congresses (SETAC 2011, 2012, 2013)
Completed a six-month placement as a research engineer, laboratory «ecotoxicology in vitro and in vivo» - INERIS (Verneuil-en-Halatte, France). Subject : «Effect of TCDD, alone or combined with a xeno-estrogen on the expression of estrogen receptors and brain aromatase in zebrafish Danio rerio»
Brought my own skills in molecular biology (Quantitative PCR, electrophoresis)
Improved my competences in exposology and biochemistry (ELISA)
Completed a four-month placement as a research engineer, laboratory « Oceanic and Continental Environments and Paleoenvironments » - Bordeaux 1 University (Bordeaux, France). Subject : "Genetic impacts of a polymetallic pollution in Danio rerio and Xenopus laevis in environmental conditions"
Acquired skills in molecular biology: RNA extraction, Reverse Transcription, Q-PCR, biochemistry and heavy metal measurements
Completed a two-month placement as an assistant engineer, laboratory « Ecology and quality of continental hydrosystems» - INRA “National Institute of Agronomic Research (Rennes, France). Subject : “Enzymatic system responses of Lymnaea stagnalis to a xenobiotic mix (herbicide + another chemical compound)”