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Cyril Dieudonné

Software Architect / Developer

Cyril Dieudonné
37 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
About Me
With a PhD in nuclear physics, I have acquired solid skills in development and optimization of scientific codes, as well as in software architecture.

After completing my thesis in nuclear physics, I took part in the maintenance of reference codes in radiation protection, core physics and criticality at CS. This experience enabled me to discover all the phases of software development, and to appreciate their importance.

I then joined the CEA as a research engineer and RTE as a designer-developer in the Real Time division. Here, I was able to contribute my expertise to all phases of code production, while continuing to improve my know-how through various training courses and seminars. My main tasks involved the design and development of applications, to maximize performance and enhance the user experience.

Curious, motivated and self-taught by nature, passing on my knowledge is also part of my DNA. I've always been keen to work as part of a team and pass on my knowledge to the teams I work with.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Summer school CEA - EDF - Inria

Université Pierre-et-Marie CURIE, Paris

June 2017
Analysis and transformation of HPC codes using LLVM and CLANG
( http://www-hpc.cea.fr/SummerSchools/SummerSchools2017-CS.htm )
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Introduction to LLVM
  • Analysis and transformation of HPC codes using LLVM and CLANG
  • Generation and optimization of parallel code in LLVM

Orsys courses

Paris, La Défense

March 2017
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Development tools and methods
  • Processes
  • Posix threads
  • Inter-process ommunications
  • Memory management
  • Signals
  • Network communications
  • Classic and advanced I/O

Summer school CEA - EDF - Inria

Commisariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache

June 2015
Scientific Computation with Modern C++
( http://www-hpc.cea.fr/SummerSchools2015-CS.htm )
Details and Extracurriculars
  • C++14: A Tour of C++
  • Transfering Data Efficiently: Move Semantics; What You Should Know
  • Programming with Templates
  • Generic Programming: Constraints and More
  • Componentization and Composition: Looking Ahead
  • Decomposing Problem for Parallelism
  • Atomics and Lock Free Programming
  • Data Parallelism and GPU Programming
  • Concurrency Patterns in C++14
  • What to Expect in C++17

Physics PhD

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - Université Paris XI

October 2010 to October 2013
Monte Carlo burnup codes acceleration using the correlated sampling method
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Neutronics and reactor core physics
  • Development and studies of the Monte Carlo burnup code TRIPOLI-4 (C++, ROOT)
  • Profiling and performance optimization (Valgrind and KCachegrind)
  • Algorithm programmation (with suitable Design Patterns)
  • Source code refactoring and documentation (C++, ROOT, Doxygen)
  • UI improvement (ROOT)
  • Increase in non-regression tests (Shell scripting)

Orsys courses

Paris, La Défense

March 2012
C++, programming with CUDA, OpenMP and PPL Visual Studio 2010
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Debugging and instrumentation of codes
  • The GPU Computing with CUDA
  • Parallelism Patterns
  • The OpenMP standard and the Parallel Patterns Library

Summer school CEA - EDF - INRIA

Commisariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache

June 2011 to July 2011

International School in Nuclear Engineering

Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN) / CEA Saclay

October 2010 to November 2010
"Reactor Core Physics : Deterministic and Monte Carlo Methods" (Octobre 2010)
"Uncertainty quantification, Experimental Validation and Predictive" (Novembre 2010)

M.S. degree on Fundamental Physics

Université Paris VII

October 2007 to October 2010
Thanks to this training, I have acquired a solid knowledge of particle physics (quantum mechanics, subatomic physics, general relativity, etc.), both theoretical and experimental, as well as computer development. My specialization has enabled me to understand the different aspects of energy production (particularly nuclear), from construction to transport, distribution and decommissioning.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Master II - Ingénierie Physique des Energies, mention Bien
  • Master I - Physique Fondamentale, mention Assez Bien
  • Licence III - Physique Fondamentale, mention Assez Bien

Preparatory class for the Grandes Ecoles

Lycée Robespierre (Arras) - Lycée Condorcet (Lens)

September 2004 to September 2007
2005 - 2007: MP (Mathematics and Physical Sciences), Lycée Robespierre
2004 - 2005: MPSI (Mathematics, Physics and Industrial Sciences), Lycée Condorcet

High School Diploma in Science

Lycée St Vaast - St Dominique, Béthune

September 2003 to September 2004
Mathematics speciality, with honors