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Cyril Dieudonné

Software Architect / Developer

Cyril Dieudonné
37 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
About Me
With a PhD in nuclear physics, I have acquired solid skills in development and optimization of scientific codes, as well as in software architecture.

After completing my thesis in nuclear physics, I took part in the maintenance of reference codes in radiation protection, core physics and criticality at CS. This experience enabled me to discover all the phases of software development, and to appreciate their importance.

I then joined the CEA as a research engineer and RTE as a designer-developer in the Real Time division. Here, I was able to contribute my expertise to all phases of code production, while continuing to improve my know-how through various training courses and seminars. My main tasks involved the design and development of applications, to maximize performance and enhance the user experience.

Curious, motivated and self-taught by nature, passing on my knowledge is also part of my DNA. I've always been keen to work as part of a team and pass on my knowledge to the teams I work with.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
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  • Software architect
    • Definition of specifications
    • Write POC for structuring projects
    • CI/CD setting up
    • Sharing of best practices within the team
  • Lead Dev on neutronic Monte Carlo code (Python, C/C++17, CMake)
    • API and UI definitions
    • Algorithmic optimizations
    • Improved source code readability and maintainability
  • Performance improvement and parallelism (MPI, OpenMP, SIMD) on CPUs supercomputers
    • Code profiling with Intel VTune
    • Loadbalancing improvement on multithreading (OpenMP) and multiprocessing (MPI)
    • Cache usage, vectorization and memory footprint optimization
  • Code porting and integration (Shell scripting, CMake)
  • Corrective and adaptative maintenance
  • Users support
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  • Creation of a Web application to control DC links between France and its various neighbors (Python, Django)
  • Development of an optimization and decision support application for the development of a telecom network on the power grid (Python, Qt, SciPy)
  • Help with internal recruitment process (technical part, algorithms, C/C++, Python)
  • Knowledge sharing within the department (C/C++, Python, architecture)
  • Help define and qualify DevOps tools for continuous integration and deployment in C/C++ and Python
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  • Development of neutronics Monte Carlo codes (Fortran, C/C++) along two main axes :
    • Performance improvement
    • Code maintenance and design
  • Performances achieved on thousands of Intel Haswell and KNL CPUs in the Tera1000 super-computer :
    • Code profiling with Alinea MAP, Intel VTune and Intel Advisor
    • Improved (weak and strong) scalability in multi-threading (OpenMP) and multi-processing (MPI)
    • Opimization of cache usage, vectorization and code memory footprint
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  • Software Maintenance Manager for several neutronics codes at CEA Saclay :
    • APOLLO3 (C++, Fortran) - Core calculation
    • MENDEL (C++) - Burnup calculation
    • GALILEE1 (C++) - Nuclear data processing
    • BDDR2 (HTML, PHP) - Reactor Database
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Physics PhD

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - Université Paris XI

October 2010 to October 2013
Monte Carlo burnup codes acceleration using the correlated sampling method
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M.S. degree on Fundamental Physics

Université Paris VII

October 2007 to October 2010
Thanks to this training, I have acquired a solid knowledge of particle physics (quantum mechanics, subatomic physics, general relativity, etc.), both theoretical and experimental, as well as computer development. My specialization has enabled me to understand the different aspects of energy production (particularly nuclear), from construction to transport, distribution and decommissioning.
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  • Languages : (low-level) C11/C++17, Fortran 2008
    I'm particularly interested in OOP and metaprogramming in C++17
  • Languages : (high-level) Python 2/3
    I'm particularly interested in the various C++/Python binding libraries (Boost, SWIG, Shiboken, ...) because I find the coupling of these two languages very elegant
  • Frameworks : STL, Boost, ROOT
  • Frameworks parallelism : OpenMP 4, MPI 3
  • Scripting and building : Python 2/3, Shell (Bash), CMake/CTest, Makefile
  • Web technologies : Django, HTML 5, CSS 3
  • GNU/Linux (mainly Red Hat / Debian)
  • Windows
  • French
  • English