I started my career as a medical technician and technologist in French private laboratories for 7 years. Looking for new challenges I moved to the USA as a medical technologist and got the chance to work on all departments of a reference medical laboratory. I was offered the chance to work in R&D projects. I ended my experience there as the lab night shift manager.
I came back to France in 2000 and started working on the other side of the industry, for an In-Vitro-Diagnostic (IVD) designer and manufacturer, and have been working there ever since. Now Research Laboratory Manager, I enjoy working in a small team where everybody's qualities and assets can be expressed and considered, surrounded by skilled engineers and scientists, splitting my time between leading the activities of our R&D lab, directing the support of our customers and distributors and supporting our group technical teams after the launch of the products we developed.
Leading and coordinating the activities of R&D lab and a group of 5 scientists for the development of new products and validation of new systems developed by Erba France for the group Erba.
Trundle-Ott DS, Robbe, C, Lenihan EP, Austin MA (Intl Med Lab, Sarasota, FL). Comparison of Urine Tests for Increased Bone Resorption: NTx and Pyrilinks-D, Clinical Chemistry (International Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics), July 1997 vol. 43, N°6, 335: S179
Robbe, C. A common platform for the clinical laboratory, European Clinical Laboratory, June 2002 Volume 21, N°3: 24-26
Robbe, C. Fully automated ELISA run on a common platform, European Clinical Laboratory, October 2004 Volume 23, N°5: 18-21
Robbe, C. Total haemostasis on a common platform, European Clinical Laboratory, October 2005 Volume 23, N°5: 16-19
Usage of a great variety of In-Vitro-Diagnostic instrumentations and high complexity manual procedures for routine and specialized testing
Research and development: work in the conception and validation of a new clinical chemistry instrument, evolution of existing instruments, software definition and evolution. All specifications and validation documents (conform for regulatory affairs, FDA registration, etc...), beta testing, and different kits studies in the US.
Optimization of work flow (laboratory and technical services)