I am a final year student in Saint Michel de Picpus Lycée, Paris, currently preparing to sit my Baccalaureate in June 2019. I am an outgoing, curious and determined young woman who enjoys working on team projects. I have been an active member of the Scouts for many years and have had the opportunity to lead numerous group projects. Born and raised in France, I am of Irish and Lebanese origin, have a keen interest in diverse cultures and have travelled extensively. I am fully fluent in French and English and am particularly interested in broadening my horizons. Thus I am highly motivated to gain entrance to the Bachelor's in Economics & Management course with Dauphine University in London as I believe that this will be a key element in furthering my education and will lay the foundation for an international career.
sale & delivery of Comté cheese bought directly from the producer in the Juras region, in order to help finance our 2020 humanitarian project
regular Babysitting
à 2019
for a family of 2 children in my neighbourhood
regular Babysitting
Socrate association
à 2019
for a family of 2 children in my neighbourhood
2018: contributing English articles (film reviews & event coverage) for my school newsletter "The Picpus Post"
2017-2018: voluntary after-school classes in Maths & French for a primary school pupil, once a week with the Socrate association
voluntary manual work to renovate the Sainte
Anne chapel in the Queyras region with the Queyras
Passion association
2017: organisation and preparation of meals for 1,500 people at the annual 3-day Frat pilgrimage, Jambville
2015-2017: sale & delivery of Christmas trees each December for my scout group
1-week internship
COTY, an international Beauty company with Headquarters
Based with the Adidas body care brand, I learned how the team developed and marketed new products. I took part in a brainstorming session and assisted in fine-tuning an advertisement for a new deodorant launch.
Dernier poste occupé
Nom de l'entreprise
Depuis 2017
Décrivez en quelque mots le contexte et l'objectif principal de votre poste.
Décrivez ici la mission on le résultat le plus pertinent pour l'offre ou l'entreprise que vous visez.
Autre résultat
Autre résultat
Poste occupé
Nom de l'entreprise
à 2017
Contexte et objectif
Résultat #1
Résultat #2
Résultat #3
Poste occupé
Nom entreprise
à 2014
Contexte de l'entreprise
Résultat #1
Résultat #2
Pas plus de 4 ou 5 expériences maximum sur votre CV (sinon → il devient illisible)
Un poste bénévol, associatif, ou projet ?
Nom association
à 2013
Vous pouvez aussi mettre en avant vos projet personnels pour illustrer des qualités pertinentes pour l'offre visée.
Baccalaureate - Maths
Novembre 2019
Brevet Diploma
Dernier diplôme obtenu
Nom de l'école
Si pertinent, description rapide du sujet étudié.
Centres d'intérêt
• Scouts: I have been part of the group Saint-Philippe Néri (Scouts & Guides de France) for 9 years
With my team of "Compagnons" we take part in charity activities, like visiting homeless people, and we are currently organising a humanitarian project to work in an orphanage in South-East Asia in summer 2020
Cinema: Together with 5 classmates I produced a short film for the 2018 Concours National de la Résistance et de la Déportation entitled "Mourir pour la France". I also enjoy watching different genres of films and following events such as the Oscars and the BAFTAs
Current affairs: I act as ambassador for Egypt in the MUN (Model United Nations) organised in my school where myself and classmates discuss and debate on international current affairs
I also keep up with the news by regularly reading Le Monde and The Guardian newspapers
Music: I learned to play the guitar online, I enjoy going to concerts and follow events such as the BRIT