Head of the Department Environmental Consulting - C&E Berlin
Project Controller, Project Manager
Financial and Technical Controlling for the BBR (Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning) and BImA (Federal Office for Real Estate)
Project-Controlling for the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS), Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection in Berlin-Germany and the Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection Brandenburg-Germany
Project-Management - for the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS), Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection in Berlin-Germany and the Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection Brandenburg-Germany and various clients
Environmental Assessment & Expertise Groundwater & Soil - various projects
Financial and Technical Controlling for the BBR (Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning) and BImA (Federal Office for Real Estate)
Demolition and Decontamination (asbestos) of the former Palace of the Republic, Berlin-Mitte
Quartier at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Berlin-Mitte
Hotel am Alexanderplatz, Rathausstraße in Berlin-Mitte
Projectcontrolling for the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS), Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection in Berlin-Germany and the Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection Brandenburg-Germany
Sanitation and Revitalization of a LNAPL (BTEX) -Groundwater Impact, former Lackcompany-Site, Berlin-Teltow
Sanitation and Revitalization of a DNAPL-Groundwater Impact, former Machine Works, Jüterbog-Brandenburg
Sanitation and Revitalization incl. Waste Management of an Oil Contaminated Groundwater Impact, former Bearing Company, Jüterbog-Brandenburg – Projectcontrolling and –management
Groundwater-Monitoring of a DNAPL-Contaminated Site, former Bearing Company; Luckenwalde-Brandenburg - Projectcontrolling and –management
Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project, Schaeffler KG, Brandenburg
Investigation of a DNAPL-Groundwater Contaminated Site (SECURA-Werke), Berlin Mitte
Investigation and Sanitation of a Soil and Ground-water Impact (TRO Behälterbau), Berlin-Pankow
Investigation and Sanitation former Lack company (LACUFA) - Berlin-Pankow
Projectmanagement - various clients
Sanitation and Revitalization, LNAPL (BTEX) -Groundwater Impact, Freudenberg Spezialdichtungsprodukte GmbH & Co KG, Project- and Budgetplanning
Remediation and Revitalization Project, Soil and Groundwater, Teltow-Brandenburg
Remediation and Revitalization Project, Soil and Groundwater, Pankow-Berlin
Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project, Schaeffler KG/Continental, Luckenwalde- Brandenburg
Environmental Assessment & Expertise Groundwater & Soil - various projects
3D- and 2-Dimensional Modelling e.g. FDS KG, Remediation Concept, Former Machine Works Jüterbog, Remediation Concept, Sanitation of a former Military Site, Berlin-Adlershof, Groundwater-Monitoring Nature Park Berlin-Adlershof, Reinfiltration Dune-System Faro-Portugal
Hydraulic and geotechnical Calculations for Building Sites - Various Projects
Waste Management - various projects
Decontamination Attendance, former Fuel Depot, Potsdam
Contaminates Investigation and Waste Management Concept, former SECURA-Company, Berlin-Mitte
Waste Management, former SECURA-Company, Berlin-Mitte
Contaminates Investigation and Waste Management Concept, former Bearing Company, Jüterbog, Bran-denburg
Waste Management, former Bearing Company, Jüterbog, Brandenburg
Contaminates Investigation and Decontamination Supervision, Ostseestraße 23, Berlin-Pankow
Landfill Investigation: Calarasi County, Technical Assistance for Preparation of 5 projects in the Environment Sector in Romania”; EuropeAid/123052/SER/RO Evaluation of potential landfill sites in Calarasi County
Exploration Geology and Mining
-Investigations on Opencast Mining; -Recultivation Measures, -Mapping
Lohe, C., Ananias A., Miller, R. McG., Quinger, M., Joseph R. (2016): Determination and delineation of hydraulic parameters of the Ohangwena Groundwater System, Cubango Megafan, Northern Namibia; IGC Cape Town 2016
Miller, R.McG., Lohe, C., Hasiotis, S.T., Quinger, M. , Muyamba, R., Joseph, R. and Nguno, A. (2016):Seasonal deposition and post-depositional modification under semi-arid conditions of the Tertiary, low-gradient Cubango Megafan, northern Namibia; IGC Cape Town 2016
Lohe,C., Quinger, M. (2013): The Groundwater Potential of the Ohangwena Groundwater System; Preliminary Findings on the bilateral Cooperation Project, Presentation to the Vice-President and Cabinet of Namibia, State House
Lohe,C., Quinger, M. (2015): Identification of Potential Recharge Areas using a multi-method Approach. The multilayered Ohangwena Groundwater System, Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia-Angola: IAH Rome 2015
Quinger, M., Lohe, C., Ihemba, S, Kulobone, N. (2015): Including Groundwater Resources Protection into the IWRM Principles in Basin Management in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (CEB), Namibia
F. Lindenmaier, R. Miller, J. Fenner, G. Christelis, H. G. Dill, T. Himmelsbach, S. Kaufhold, C. Lohe, M. Quinger, F. Schildknecht, G. Symons, A. Walzer, B. van Wyk (2014): Structure and genesis of the Cubango Megafan in northern Namibia: implications for its hydrogeology
Quinger, M., Bluemel, M., Mutota, A., Lohe C. (2013): "Advanced Groundwater Management in Namibia: Introducing the new National Groundwater Database GROWAS II" Ground Water Division of GSSA, Groundwater Division Conference in Durban 2013
Guardian, Press Release, (2012): Scientists urge sustainable development of Namibia's newly found aquifer; Interview on the Groundwater exploration in northern Namibia, Alex Duval Smith (Guardian), Christoph Lohe (BGR)
34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane (2012): Combination of user friendly Decision Support Systems with numerical solutions for groundwater flow and water balance for effective water resource management on basin scale in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. Lohe, C., Quinger, M., Amakali, M. , Himmelsbach, T., Lindenmaier, F., Neumann, M., Van Wyk, A.
34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane (2012): Hydro-chemical methods for the delineation of freshwater bodies and groundwater flow patterns in multilayered aquifer-systems. An example from Groundwater Systems in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. Lohe, C.; Quinger, M.; Houben, G.; M.; Schaller, T.; Jackl, B., Van Wyk, A.; Lindenmaier, F.
Tatiana Diniz Gonçalves, Christoph Lohe, José Eloi Guimarães Campos: HYDRAULIC CHARACTERIZATION FROM POROUS AQUIFERS OF THE BRAZILIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT; Brazilian Journal of Geology 2015
C. Lohe & T. Diniz Goncalves: "Hydraulic Properties of deep fractured Aquifers in the Distrito Federal Brazil" - Evaluation and Interpretation of Hydraulic Aquifer Tests in the Distrito Federal Brazil
Água, Meio Ambiente e Energia, Luanda - Angola (2011): “Gerenciamento de águas subterrâneas na Bacia Hidrográfica de Cuvelai-Etosha - Região Transfronteiriça” - Groundwater Management in the Cuvelai- Etosha Basin (CEB)“
ECOGERMA, São Paulo - Brazil (2009): "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão Integrada para o Abastecimento de Água do Distrito Federal" - Project Presentation
IWAS Kick-OFF-Meeting, Dresden - Germany (2009): Internationale WasserforschungsAllianz Sachsen - Statusreport IWAS Água DF
2nd International Workshop IWAS Água DF - Brasilia, Brazil (2009)
Latin-American Colloquium,Göttingen-Germany (2009): "Water Resources in the Future Climate Change Scenario: Development of an Integrated Management Concept for Water Supply in the Federal District of Brasília – DF (Central Brazil)" Weiß, H., Neder, K. D., Walde, D.H., Lohe C., Makeschin, F.
Kleinmachnower Colloquium (2007), LBGR-Kleinmachnow - Germany: "Die Erkundung von Altlasten in Berlin und Brandenburg an ausgewählten Standorten - Controlling im Rahmen der Freistellung"