Gestione delle attività giornaliere della bambina in affidamento, organizzazione dell'agenda e ottimizzazione del tempo.Durante il tempo libero ho seguito un corso di English Functional Skills che mi ha permesso di migliorare molto il mio livello di inglese.
Marketing Assistant
Microspore S.p.A
May 2015
to August 2017
Marketing Assistant
Internship: Leonardo Da Vinci program
InterEuropa Escuela de Español
September 2014
to December 2014
I did an Internship in Intereuropa School of Spanish. I have participated actively in every activity related to the administration and the organization of the school (including the translations of the contents of School official website and the social networks-web designing), as well as participating in the several marketing and promotion campaigns organized for the foreign markets.
Translation and interpretation
Loggia Paints Industry
July 2014
to August 2014
Translation and interpretation.
I attended the deal with Chinese customers.
Bar and Tobacco
Bar Tabacchi P3
July 2009
to August 2011
I have experience in the catering service, as well as in the lotteries and the sale of tobacco. I dealt with the costumer care and the costumer loyalty management and I took care of the lotteries department.