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Charlotte Dupont

Charlotte Dupont

Biologist & Data Scientist, PhD

38 years old
Sophia Antipolis (06560) France
Employed Unavailable
I'm technology enthusiastic and science addict
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Management of the society (12 persons)
  • Responsible of AquaReal development and maintenance
  • Management of IoT & Data Science teams
  • Involved in WAZIUP project : www.waziup.eu
  • Supervising the creation of a low-cost device (buoy) for Water monitoring in African Fish Farming. Hardware and Software part. Data monitoring and prediction (machine learning)
  • Developping Data Intelligence with real-time data analysis
  • Supporting Water domain projects
Detailed Description

    • Charlotte Dupont and Sabrine Fatnassi,"An open innovative platform to accelerate innovation in Africa through cutting edge IoT cost effective communications and BigData applications", IoTBigData2016, Roma, 24/04/2016

    • Charlotte Dupont, Sabrine Fatnassi and Corentin Dupont, “WAZIUP : an Internet of Things and Big Data Platform to boost innovation in rural Africa”, IoTBigData European Project Space Proceedings, Accepted

    • Philippe COUSIN, Charlotte DUPONT, Sabrine FATNASSI, Congduc PHAM,
      Ousmane THIARE, Amos WUSSAH, Sename KOFFI , "IoT, an affordable technology to empower African addressing needs in Africa", IST Africa 2017, Submitted

    • Tara Petric, Charlotte Dupont and Franck Le Gall , "Evaluating benefits of adding intelligence to small-scale renewable energy systems", IEE EUROCON 2017, Submitted

Association Volunteer

Les petits débrouillards
September 2014 to August 2015
Volunteer Work
  • Radio project on the topic of "The Channel and how to manage and protect its ressources". Creation and animation of several radio programs in order to better understand the work of Pegaseas on this topic.
  • Lectures on the toxic microalagae bloom in the Atlantic and training on how to report a bloom collect water sample
  • PhD subject : "Carbon sources management in bacteria Bacillus subtilis"

    This project is model driven. We experimentally validated a regulation model of central carbon catabolism pathway of Bacillus subtilis. The model has been established first by mathematicians.

    The validation is made by key enzyme purification and characterisation. Hypotesis suggested by the model are checked by Live Cell Array experiments.
    Bacillus subtilis, glycolysis, neoglucogenesis, central carbon catabolism pathway, protein purification, enzymatics assays, Live Cell Array.
Detailed Description
  • SKILLS :

    Microbiology, Biochemistry, Enzyme purification and characterization, Statistical analysis, Protocol creation and optimisation, Student supervision in an international lab (working, supervising, meeting in english)

    Model-driven analysis of glyclolysis robustness of Bacillus subtilis,
    Charlotte Cousin, Anne Goelzer, Ivan Mijakovic, Vincent Fromion
    Metabolic engineering, submitted

    Protein phosphorylation from the perspective of systems biology
    Derouiche A, Cousin C, Mijakovic I.
    Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2012 Aug;23(4):585-90. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2011.11.008. Epub 2011 Nov 24.

    Protein-serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases in bacterial signaling and regulation.
    Cousin C, Derouiche A, Shi L, Pagot Y, Poncet S, Mijakovic I.FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2013 Jun 3. doi: 10.1111/1574-6968.12189. Review

    Talk :
    Model-driven strategy to perturb the robustness of glycolysis in Bacillus subtilis
    Charlotte Cousin, Anne Goelzer, Ivan Mijaković and Vincent Fromion
    7th International Conference on Gram-positive microorganisms, Montecatini, Italy, June 2013

    Pr. Ivan Mijakovic (Micalis) : ivan.mijakovic@chalmers.se
    Dr. Vincent Fromion (MIG) : vincent.fromion@jouy.inra.fr
  • Internship in Microbiology of Extreme Environments Laboratory (UMR 6197) in Plouzané (Bretagne, France).
    Study on viral abundance in deep marine sediments of New Jersey.
Detailed Description
  • SKILLS :
    Sterile manipulation of field samples (marine sediments), virus determination and visualisation (epifluorescence and electron microscope).
    Dr Marc Le Romancer (marc.leromancer@univ-brest.fr)
  • Internship in Structural and Functional Glycobiology Laboratory (UMR 8576) in Lille (Nord-Pas de Calais, France).
    Study of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii micro-algae, its starch synthesis and degradation mechanism, by random mutagenesis.
Detailed Description
  • SKILLS :
    General lab techniques in microbiology and biochemistry, micro-algae cultivation and transformation
    A Forward Genetic Approach in Chlamydomonas as a Strategy for Exploring Starch Catabolism
    Hande Tunçay, Justin Findinier, Thierry Duchêne, Virginie Cogez, Charlotte Cousin, Gilles Peltier, Steven Ball and David Dauvillée
    PLoS ONE 8(9): e74763. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074763 (septembre 2013)
    Dr David Dauvillée (david.dauvillee@univ-lille1.fr)
  • Internship in TXCELL firm in Sophia-Antipolis (Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France) in two services : business & développement, quality control.
    Project study about Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
Company website
  • Server Assistant in Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA)
Detailed Description
  • SKILLS :
    English improvment by working in a restaurant, independance, good communication