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Chaïma Chaouachi

Application candidate

Team Player
Chaïma Chaouachi
33 years old
Driving License
Tunis (2021) Tunisia
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Seeking for a life time experience.

Objectives: To constantly upgrade my knowledge, skills and make a difference in whatever I do .
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Framing members: How to create and promote a social entreprise
Company Description
An association that aims to empower youth in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship in dismissed regions forgotten in the process of development by previous policies . Thanks to arranging panels , summits, and events that integrate youth in the democracy transition focusing on making them familiar with the concepts of citizenship and how to master the art of communication for the recreational of a harmony and auto-adaption of the different points of view in the settlement of a democratic atmospher.