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Cédric Poulet

Cédric Poulet

Software Engineering Student

36 years old
Driving License
Paris (75016) France
Student Looking for an internship
After having worked for 4 years in aeronautics and space (AIRBUS, SAFRAN, AEROLIA, RATIER) as a mechanical engineer graduated from the National School of Engineers of Tarbes (ENIT).
I decided to redirect my professional life to a field that I am passionate about and that would enhance my creativity, my logical mind and allow me to be more geographically flexible: the software engineering. To accomplished this redirection, I manage to enter in one of the french best programming shool : " L'Ecole 42".
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Blockchain Hackathon

December 2017
  • Optimisation of a SmartContract on the Blockchain Ethereum during a Hackathon at Artefact Paris.

Software Engineering in Blockchain

Matrice Blockchain
Since 2017
  • MatriceCoin Project:
    In the frame of the Matrice, a coin based on Ethereum blockchain is developped to fit matrice needs.
    Learned Notion:
    -Truffle Framework

Software Engineering

March 2017 to August 2018
  • Fraud detection :
    Research in machine Learning to create model detecting financial fraud.

Software Engineering

Ecole 42
Since August 2016
  • Project Corewar :
    Create a memory arena wich manage fights between ASM champions.
    Learned notions:
    • Virtual Machine
    • NCurse Vizualisator
    • Parser / Lexer
    • ASM Language
    • Bit Manipulation
  • Project Lem-in :
    Create a program who deliver the fastest way out of a graph.
    Learned notions:
    • Algorithms (DFS, BFS, Edmonds-Karps...)
    • Optimizations (Big O, Data-Structures...)
    • Vizualisation
  • Project Printf and Libft:
    Rewriting all the standard function in C.
    Learned notions:
    • Data-Structures (Linked-Lists, Trees, Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Hash Tables)
    • Algorithms (Binary Search, Merge sort, Quick sort...)
    • Concepts (Recursivity, Memory, Bit Manipulations, Complexity Time & Space, Dynamique Programming...)

Mechanical Engineer

  • Various missions in structural calculations in the aeronautics industry.