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Project Manager - Marketing & Communications

41 years old
Brasov County Romania
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Passionate about marketing, design and web development, eager to learn and dreaming to create.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Frontend web development with JavaScript

Informal School of IT, Brașov

November 2019 to April 2020
Details and Extracurriculars
    1. Web basics:
    • Client-Server architectures
    • TCP/IP Protocol (IP address, URL)
    • DNS Protocol
    • HTTP Protocol (request-response model, headers, methods, status codes)
    • HTTP Caching
    • HTTP Cookies
    • HTTPS Protocol (SSL)
    • Cookies
    • Browsers (DOM, page building, rendering and layout)
    • Developer Tools (Dev Tools, Fiddler, Firebug)
    1. HTML:
    • HTML Basics
    • HTML Elements
    • HTML Attributes
    • HTML Tables
    • HTML iFrames
    • HTML Form Elements
    • HTML5 Elements and Semantics
    • Canvas, SVG
    • Media
    • APIs (geolocation, local storage, app cache)
    1. CSS:
    • CSS Syntax (rules and selectors)
    • CSS Base Rules
    • CSS Positioning and Layout (box model)
    • CSS Pseudo-class and Pseudo-elements
    • CSS3 Basics
    • CSS3 Flexbox
    • CSS3 Gradients and Backgrounds
    • CSS3 Transforms, Transitions and Animations
    • Responsive Web Design (media queries)
    1. JavaScript:
    • Javascript Syntax
    • Expressions and Operators (arithmetic, logic, bitwise)
    • Variables and Types (numbers, booleans, strings, arrays, objects)
    • Flow Control (decisions, iterations, break, continue)
    • Functions & Scope
    • Exceptions
    • Events
    • DOM (methods, document, elements, html, css, events, nodes, navigation)
    • JSON (syntax, types, objects, arrays, parse, stringify, JSONP)
    • Client Storage (local and session storage)
    • jQuery Basics
    • Coding Standards (clean code, naming conventions)
    1. Javascript Advanced:
    • Functions – Advanced Topics (function scope, closure, hoisting)
    • Objects – Advanced Topics (properties, methods, prototypes)
    • Objects – Advanced Topics (properties, methods, prototypes)
    • Javascript BOM (window, screen, location, history, navigation, timing, cookies)
    • AJAX (XMLHttpRequest, request, response)
    1. ReactJS basics:
    • architecture, virtual DOM
    • Environment Setup
    • JSX
    • Components (props, state, lifecycle)
    • Forms (refs, routing)
    • Events (DOM events, component events)

Intro in IT

Informal School of IT, Brașov

August 2018 to November 2018
Details and Extracurriculars
    • Computer architecture (memory, CPU, networking)
    • OS architecture (processes, services, file system, security)
    • Application architecture (Presentation, Business and Data Layers; Windows architecture; Server – client architecture)
    • Web pages
    • URLs and URIs
    • Client side vs. Server side processing/rendering
    • Web services
    • Internet security
  • Programming basics:
    • Pseudocoding and flow charting
    • Data structures and algorithms
    • Number systems and binary
    • OOP - Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism
    • HTML, CSS, JS as website mix
    • SQL (basics and database entities, create db and tables using tools, NOSQL)
  • Software testing basics:
    • Types of testing – Manual vs Automated Testing
    • Scenarios for application testing
    • Tests execution

Bachelor's Degree

Universitatea din București, Colegiul National de Institutori, Buzau

September 2003 to 2006
Psihologie, Psihopedagogie

High School

Liceul Economic, Buzau

September 1998 to June 2002