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Cassandre Milius

Looking for a 6-month internship

Cassandre Milius
30 years old
Driving License
Nice (06000) France
Professional Status
Looking for an internship
About Me
Looking for an internship

Master's degree - Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Simon Fraser University

January 2016 to May 2016
Main course : Startup experience
This rigorous and experiential course provided me a hands-on experience of the entrepreneurial process as I worked in a team to conceptualize, research, design and develop my own business.

Technical Skills :
  • Market & Competitive analysis
  • Business opportunity identification
  • Development of a Minimum Viable Product and appropriate marketing materials
  • Development of a business model to create and capture value from the offering
  • Development of an evidence-based marketing and sales strategy, including competitive positioning, differenciation, distribution strategy
  • Development of a viable funding and revenue strategy for the offering
  • Presentation of a compelling and comprehensive elevator pitch
  • Creation of a Business Plan

Human skills :
  • Use of team leadership skills throught working in a group with both Canadian and French students with different experiences and expertise
  • Creativity
  • Negotiation and persuasion skills

Programme Grande École - DESMA

Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France

Since September 2014
Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is ranked the 6th best business school in France by The Figaro and the 12th best MSC in Finance in the world by the Financial Times.

GEM is part of the top 1% of Business Schools holding Triple Accreditation :
  • AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System)
  • AMBA (Association of MBAs)
GEM helped shape the future of business around the world through expertise in technology and innovation.

GEM has more than 125 partner universities around the world like SDA Bocconi (Milano, Italy), Columbia University (NY, USA) or Cambridge University (UK).
Main courses :
  • Management control (Grade Point Average A-)
  • Information and Financial analysis (GPA A)
  • Law and Contract Law (GPA A)
  • Company Law (GPA A)
  • Corporate Finance (GPA A)
  • Quantitative Methods (GPA A)
  • Computer Skills (GPA A+)
  • Human Resources (GPA A)

Baccalaureate (Equivalent to UK A-level) in Science

Lycée du Parc Impérial, Nice, France

July 2012
Grade A pass
  • My tasks and goals are linked to the development strategy of CANAL+ INTERNATIONAL and match its challenges in terms of digitalization, agility and innovation at an international level.

    ✔ Took part in quality piloting & performance management
    ✔ Improved continually customer experience
    ✔ Lead projects linked to the digitalization of customer experience
    ✔ Become proficient in many tools : CRM, Viavoo (a software that collects digital customer’s voice and transforms it into data), satisfaction surveys, ...
    ✔ Developed excellent people skills through the work with the African representatives and external providers (Gabon, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Senegal, Cameroon, Congo)
    ✔ Participated in regular steering committees & production boards
    ✔ Improved creativity and drafting qualities through the production of communication contents like newsletters
    ✔ Developed strong back-office skills
    ✔ Consolidated qualitative and quantitative data to the use of executive committees and external providers
    ✔ Become totally proficient in computer tools : Excel, Powerpoint and Word
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  • Missions:
    ✔ Participated in many meetings with sales leads, customers and partners with HR managers and CEO of large companies, sometimes autonomously
    ✔ Co‐created and participated in events in the tech and innovation ecosystem: breakfasts, conferences, afterworks, press conferences, etc. (Labor Ministry, Maison des Polytechniciens, CNAM, MEDEF, ENA, Vivatechnology, Microsoft Experience'16, Openmind Kfé,...)
    ✔ Trade missions: pitch, customer relationships (B2B & B2C)
    ✔ Took part in a project creation of an incubator
    ✔ Content production: statistical data analysis, commercial proposals, general presentation of the company, value proposition, business cases, applications aimed at investment committees,...
    ✔ Project leader of the website: supervised the developers, bloggers, and designers actions, drawn up estimates, specifications, etc.
  • Hard skills:
    -Excellent computer skills (Office & Photoshop)
    -Group facilitation skills (workshops, think tanks, prototyping...)
    -Webmarketing fundamentals (Google Digital Active Certification)
  • Soft skills:
    • Workforce
    • Critical thinking
    • Adaptability and flexibility- Cooperation- Organization and time management
    • Source of proposals and initiatives- Communication (written and spoken)
    • Creativity
    • Problem solving
    • Inter-personal skills
    • Teamwork
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  • The association responsible for ESC Grenoble’s prestigious graduation evening event.

    • 4000 guests
    • 400K€ budget

    Skills :
    • Interpersonal Relationships
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Adaptability
    • Artistic Sense
    • Organization
    • Stress Resistance

    More information: http://www.gem-gala.com/
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  • French native
  • Italian: Upper-intermediate
  • English: Intermediate
  • Spanish: Beginner
  • Microsoft Office Specialist certification (Score 920/1000)
  • Mac OSX
  • Photoshop
  • DTP (Desktop Publishing)
  • WordPress
  • Certification Google Digital Active
  • Certification AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)
  • Startups
  • Innovation
  • Tech
  • Social values
  • ESS
  • Drawing
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Photoshop
  • Pastry
  • DIY
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Piano (since 2008)
  • Basketball (member of a team for 4 years)
  • Volleyball