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Oliveira de Carvalho

Oliveira de Carvalho

Photographer / Videographer / Photojournalist / Travel Writer

34 years old
Driving License
Perpignan (66000) France
Freelancer Open to opportunities
  • Photojournalism Prize Nomination
Company Description
Photojournalism festival in Perpignan, France.
This edition had more than 90 expositions all over town.
  • Photographer / Photojournalist
  • Data Gathering and Analysus
Detailed Description
  • I joined the Ezbet project in Cairo for one week with the goal of documenting their actions in photography. Those actions were supposed to take place mainly in the Ezbet neighbourhood, however there were some security issues that didn't alow us to visit the place for long time, so we worked on the data we already had, we made Ezbet a short visit too, and we visited several other slums in Cairo, places that, like Ezbet, are built and maintained by the people, with no oficial consideration by the government, so that we call them "Informal Settlements".

    My comfort amongst poverty and difficult situations got stronger, and my passion for this kind of mission grew a lot. I love the interaction with the people, I love to trust people and to feel how this trust is coming back from them to me so many times. When we respect we are respected, and love will only generate more love, I believe in that, and this is the attitude that makes the people welcome me and trust me to take their picture.

    I want to travel the world and follow this passion of mine. I will.
Company Description
EZBET project was initiated officially in 2013 based on three main pillars; promoting education, health and professional skills, which define our pillars for sustainable development.

EZBET aims to develop and create a prototype model for a real sustainable community development to be the seed for more development projects in other informal settlement areas in Egypt. The project aims also to impact the local individuals intellectually and economically along impacting the whole Ezbet's built environment and infrastructure as well.

The innovation of Ezbet Project lies within its care to engage three main stakeholders in all of its activities: (1) Multi-disciplinary Students, Professors, researchers and Academic Staff, (2) the Ezbet Residents who are the direct beneficiaries of the project and its future owners, and (3) all other organisational entities including the government and the local NGOs.

The comprehensive approach of Ezbet project aims at allowing all stakeholders and beneficiaries sharing the power and the local resources on the site and working under partnership towards mutual outcomes for all parties. The broader aim of the project is to result with a successful sustainable community development prototype which can be the seed for similar developments in other informal settlement areas in Egypt.

Provide a Sustainable Community Development for Ezbet Abu Qarn through Academic, Student, Civil Society and community engagement.
  • Exposing and selling photographies
Detailed Description
  • I was living in Istanbul for one month, and Arthere was my second home. There I learned a lot about photography with Omar Berakdar and I could expose some of the pictures I made in Turkey, and even sell them for a free price to tourists. It was a great experience and I am eternally gratefull to Omar, Arthere and everybody that crossed my way around there and made me feel at home.
Company Description
ArtHere is a new art space in Istanbul.

It's a place run by artists for artists.
It's a space where artists can work, promote and sell their artwork directly.
It hosts artistic events - films, installations, performances, workshops and exhibitions.
It promotes creativity and all forms of expression.
It's also a café.
  • Creator
  • Director
  • CEO
  • Designer
  • Photographer
  • Videographer
  • Concept and Product Creator
Detailed Description
  • I got together with two good friends and we created a new company from zero. The whole identity, concept, mission and vision, the products and so on. We had no money and we made it all when everybody was telling us it was impossible, due to our personal economic situation and the one of our country too - Portugal was passing by a serious crisis, still is, and everybody is negative, new opportunities seem to be automatically denied, people are afraid to invest and to believe in a new project is simply considered to be foolish.

    I learned a lot about having your own business. Meanwhile, I worked a lot on the video/photography area and it pleased me well. However, I wanted to travel without obligations to comeback, with no return ticket, and the responsability of having a brand was kind of squeezing me too much, so I decided to let this project go and so let myself go to see the world and experience life as I love it.
Company Description
Nowadays we see the world becoming more and more absurd, so we try to "be the change we want to see in the world" – more justice, equality and freedom; More art, more culture and creativity, more extreme sports, more music and more life...

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