11 years of professional experience in Brussels also including 2 years ½ in EU institutions, 7 years in advice for EU projects
Insider understanding of EU policy-making, expertise about EU budget and EU financial programmes, insights into regional, R&D, industrial & social EU policies
Track record in policy analysis & research, consulting, negotiations, project management
2 policy papers coauthored with Thierry Chopin on the European Parliament : preparatory research, drafting
Detailed Description
"L’influence nationale au Parlement européen : état des lieux un an après les élections européennes" ("National influence in the European Parliament : state of play one year after the European elections"), European Issue n°175-176, 28/06 and 05/07/2010 (in French), http://www.robert-schuman.eu/doc/actualites/qe-175-176-fr.pdf