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EU funds - R&D - EU Affairs

Brussels Belgium
Employed Open to opportunities
expert in EU funding
  • 11 years of professional experience in Brussels also including 2 years ½ in EU institutions, 7 years in advice for EU projects
  • Insider understanding of EU policy-making, expertise about EU budget and EU financial programmes, insights into regional, R&D, industrial & social EU policies
  • Track record in policy analysis & research, consulting, negotiations, project management
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • National Contact Point (NCP) for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 (Climate, Environment) and 2 (Food), now for Horizon Europe Cluster 5 (Climate, 2021 only), Cluster 6 (Food, Environment) and EIT: advice and support for proposals www.ncpbrussels.be
  • Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Adviser: advisory services on access to EU funds and partnership support for SMEs
  • EU Project management as Work Package Leader
    • WP for stakeholders’ relations of NCPs Care, the network of European NCPs for Societal Challenge 5 (2017-2020)
    • WP for “Awareness raising and Events” for EU-GIVE, an EU pilot project for EEN support for a sustainable collaborative economy (2018-2019)
  • Proposal writing for hub.brussels while respecting rules of conflict of interest for NCP
  • Support for the regional cluster for circular economy circlemade.brussels
Detailed Description
  • National Contact Points (NCPs) provide information, specialist advice and individual assistance to potential participants in EU funding in all Member States and Associated States of the European Union. Nominated by their national or regional authorities, they are officially recognised by the European Commission (EC) to provide highly professional support services on EU funding for Research and Innovation. NCPs act as a bridge between the EC and companies, academia, research centres, public bodies and citizen associations. Their services are free of charge. The Brussels Agency for Business Support (hub.brussels)has been nominated by the Brussels Capital Region to deliver the services of National Contact Point.
    Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) offers support and advice to facilitate the internationalisation of your SME. Our network helps your company to innovate and seize opportunities on the European market, and offers access to external markets. Enterprise Europe Brussels offers services developed jointly by the Brussels Agency for Business Support (hub.brussels) and the Brussels Chamber of Commerce.
Company Description
Created in 2018 by the Government of the Brussels-Capital region, the Brussels Agency for Business Support (ABAE-BAOB) or hub.brussels results from the merging from atrium.brussels, impulse.brussels and Brussels Invest & Export. Its mission is to support Brussels-based enterprises.
Company website

Adviser for EU projects

Association of the City and Municipalities of the Brussels-Capitale Region
March 2014 to April 2017
  • Developed a new service to inform the municipalities of Brussels about EU funds, its good management and results ensured financial support from the Region
  • Advised cities in EU project development resulting in 24 projects submitted, 5 selected and 2 pre-selected H2020 projects, published a brochure and targeted web contents
  • Exchanged information with regional administrations about EU funding programmes and projects
  • Represented the association in CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions)


self employed
August 2013 to December 2013
  • Analysis, research and writing a series of studies on EU policies for job creation and fight against unemployment for a client

Political adviser - Employment and social affairs

European Parliament/Political Group Secretariat
January 2013 to June 2013
Temporary Replacement
United States
  • Strategic advice and parliamentary work for MEPs of the group in the "Employment and social affairs" Committee
Detailed Description
  • Secured adoption of reports/resolutions on Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Investment Package and Youth Unemployment, cross border collective bargaining
  • Prepared group position paper & plenary debates on social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union

Teaching Assistant

Sciences Po Paris/James Spence
September 2012 to December 2012
  • Assistance for the course by James Spence on “Financing the EU” within the Master of European Affairs

Junior Political adviser on Budget

European Parliament/Political Group Secretariat
February 2012 to August 2012
  • Advised MEPs with the other advisers
  • Prepared work on EU 2013 budget, coordinated S&D pilot projects & preparatory actions
  • Prepared and amended Budget Committee’s opinions on financial programmes linked to the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and EIB financial instruments
Detailed Description
  • First as a trainee (12/09/2011 to 10/02/2012) then as contract agent (13/02/2012 to 12/08/2012)

Francis Vals Traineeship

S&D group in the European Parliament
September 2011 to February 2012
  • Assistance for the S&D group Secretariat on the Budget Committee

Project manager

Robert Schuman Foundation - Brussels office
March 2011 to September 2011
  • Public relations : relations with think tanks, EU institutions, general public and bookshops, organisations of events in Brussels to promote the publications of the Foundation and the EU-funded project « Women and the Citizens’ Initiative »
  • Research, strategic notes, preparation of interviews, proofreading, editing
Company Description
a key French think tank on EU Affairs

External Author

Robert Schuman Foundation
July 2009 to December 2010
  • 2 policy papers coauthored with Thierry Chopin on the European Parliament : preparatory research, drafting
Detailed Description
Company Description
A key French Think tank on EU affairs

European Commission - Blue Book Trainee

DG Entreprises and Industry, Unit for interinstitutional relations
October 2010 to February 2011
  • Reporting and briefing on proceedings in other institutions and notably the European Parliament relevant for the DG
  • Following of other inter-institutional issues

Consulting EU law

French SME
July 2009 to September 2010
from Belgium
  • advice on EU law for a French SME producing sustainable construction products

Online Editor

Nouvelle Europe
Since July 2009
Volunteer Work
  • Publication of 10 articles
  • 2012: Responsible for the section "institutional affairs": content check proofing of articles
Company Description
The largest French-speaking online review (now also in English) on the enlarged Europe and the neighbourhood

Stagiaire of the Brussels office

Fondation Robert Schuman
September 2008 to February 2009
  • Preparatory research work on the European Parliament for two publications of Thierry Chopin on the French influence in the European parliament and on the European elections
  • Participation to the organisation of the Foundation’s activities in Brussel
Detailed Description
  • Thierry Chopin & Claire Dhéret, "L'influence française au Parlement européen : bilan et perspectives. Quels enjeux à l'horizon des élections européennes de 2009 ?" ("French Influence in the European Parliament : results and perspectives. What challenges are on the horizon with the European Elections?"), European issue n°119-120, 1-8/12/2008, 17p., http://www.robert-schuman.eu/doc/questions_europe/qe-119-120-fr.pdf
  • Yves Bertoncini & Thierry Chopin, "Elections européennes : l’heure des choix - Le cas de la France" ("European Elections: the time for choice - the French case"), note n°45, June 2009, 112p., http://www.robert-schuman.eu/notes.php?num=45
Company Description
a key French think tank on EU affairs

Manager "Europe at school"

Young European Sciences Po
September 2007 to June 2008
Volunteer Work
  • member of the board as responsible for the outreach program “Europe à l’école” (“Europe at school” www.europe-ecole.fr): organization of 32 sessions about the EU, by students in French middle and high schools, reaching 1200 pupils.
Detailed Description

French Ministry of the Interior - Stagiaire

Office of International and European Affairs
June 2007 to September 2007
  • Country briefs
  • Preparation of the French Presidency of the European Union
Detailed Description
  • Expert knowledge developed on EU Home Affairs

Office of Congressman Patrick Kennedy - Intern

US Congress
January 2007 to May 2007
United States - District of Columbia
Detailed Description
  • along the exchange programme in Georgetown University, part-time compulsory internship required for the course Public Affairs Seminar
  • clerical work, meeting reports, answers to constituents’ letters, research on legislative issues.
Company Description
House of Representatives- Democrat Congressman from Rhode Island, specialized in health issues

Research Assistant

Professor Jeffrey Anderson
October 2006 to November 2006
Temporary Work
United States - District of Columbia
  • research for an article
Detailed Description
  • Student job (part time)
Company Description
Head of BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University