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Bryan Legend

Founder of Vulcan Blockchain

bryan legend
bryan king legend
Bryan Legend
Brisbane Australia (Queensland)
Professional Status
About Me
Bryan King Legend, born on May 3, 1983, is an Australian entrepreneur, investor, and influencer famous for his work in the cryptocurrency industry. He serves as the CEO and founder of Vulcan Blockchain and the co-founder of OOXY Labs.

Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Bryan currently lives in Brisbane, Queensland. He attended Tyndale Christian School but dropped out in the first semester of year 10. A self-taught businessman and cryptography expert, Bryan shares his knowledge through his YouTube channel as a cryptocurrency influencer.

In 2020, Bryan developed a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol called Clever DeFi, which rewarded holders with interest on their principal amount in 14-day cycles. In 2022, he initiated another DeFi project, Safuu (Sustainable Asset Funds For Universal Users), which attracted a wider audience. The Safuu protocol sponsored a racing team, Safuu Racing, competing in the Kwik Fit British Touring Car Championship. Bryan later transformed Safuu into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), making it community-driven.

In 2023, Bryan co-founded OOXY Labs to create Vulcan, a blockchain designed to benefit other projects using the protocol.

Bryan has been featured on the cover of magazines such as Australian Millionaire, Global Millionaire, Money Central, Star, and InLife. Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Time Bulletin, among others, have written about him. He was ranked in the top 3 of the 2010 Optus Pace-Setter Award Honor Role, and was named a tech leader of 2021 alongside Elon Musk and Avi Benezra.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
Stories by Bryan Legend, Co-Founder of Vulcan Blockchain on Medium
Why Bryan Legend Believes Bitcoin is the ‘Blue Chip’ of Crypto
21 Aug 2023

As investors mull over the failures of First Republic Bank and Silicon Valley Bank, the traditional finance industry is struggling to maintain consumer confidence. In the eyes of experienced cryptocurrency entrepreneur Bryan Legend, these failures are having a tremendous impact on investment strategies. In fact, more traditional investors are eyeing crypto as an investment in the wake of these bank failures.

“The fallout of SVB — together with deep debt at traditional banks — has cast a dark shadow,” Legend recently shared on Twitter. As the Founder of Safuu and OOXY Labs, Legend believes it’s essential for the finance industry to push beyond the limits of traditional finance.

“With more investors and banks eyeing crypto, he believes interest in bitcoin will continue to increase. “Investors want to safeguard their wealth. Bitcoin is one of the blue chips of crypto and can help to protect them in these turbulent times,” Bryan Legend continues.

Bryan Legend explains how the recent banking collapses will affect cryptocurrency, as well as his predictions for the future of decentralized finance.

How the 2023 Banking Collapses Affect Crypto

With well over a decade of experience in the blockchain and crypto space, Bryan Legend believes innovation and evolution are the keys to revolutionizing finance as we know it. While unfortunate, the recent banking collapses will likely have an impact on cryptocurrencies in several ways.

As the original cryptocurrency, bitcoin has staying power. Banks failed, but the battle-torn bitcoin survived the failures of SVB, Silvergate, and First Republic. Frankly, these traditional bank failures make crypto failures look like nothing.

In times of financial instability and banking failures, more investors are viewing cryptocurrencies like bitcoin as an alternative or hedge against traditional financial systems. Instead of investing in more common diversification options, such as precious metals, more investors are looking to crypto. Investors’ confidence in traditional banking institutions is shaken and more people are seeing cryptocurrencies as stores of value that could preserve wealth in such a chaotic environment.

Banking failures can create concerns about the safety of deposits and the overall stability of the financial system. In such situations, cryptocurrencies can give investors more direct control over their assets. Thanks to bitcoin’s decentralized setup and permissionless nature, it offers investors a greater degree of financial autonomy and security. That’s something that traditional banking can’t provide in times of crisis.

It’s too soon to tell for sure, but the recent rash of banking failures could increase the adoption of alternatives such as cryptocurrency.

The Double-Edged Sword of Crypto Regulation

The federal government has mulled over potential legislation for cryptocurrency for years, but in light of the recent bank failures, legislation is even more likely.

Regulatory responses to banking failures can also affect the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies. It’s unclear what action regulators will take, but they could implement measures to address these banking failures — and crypto could be in their crosshairs.

The challenge of crypto regulation is that the government wants to take action on crypto but often doesn’t understand it well enough to take effective action. The very threat of regulation can also cause big disruptions for even the most established cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin.

But there’s a potential upside to regulation: More people might push to buy bitcoin before it’s regulated. Effective legislation could also make cryptocurrency more valuable by adding much-needed protections that prove its legitimacy.

Discouraging traditional banks from embracing cryptocurrencies can also cause issues with traditional finance and DeFi. Banks rightfully fear action from the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and as a result, usually don’t participate in crypto exchanges.

Even so, crypto experts like Legend believe the recent failures give banks more reasons to try alternative ways of doing things — including embracing crypto.

More banks are keeping their eye on cryptocurrencies. While it’s unlikely that traditional banks will go all in on crypto, they are demonstrating interest in incorporating elements of DeFi into their infrastructures. Legend believes blending DeFi elements with traditional finance can make it more secure. It’s likely a matter of time before a big bank eventually buys a decentralized platform or exchange.

Why Bryan Legend Believes Bitcoin Is a Blue-Chip Coin

A prominent figure in the world of cryptocurrency, Legend is a firm believer that bitcoin is a blue-chip crypto. With a deep understanding of the digital currency space, Legend believes bitcoin has the potential to attract more-traditional investors into the crypto space.

Blue-chip assets are stable and have high public confidence. This term traditionally refers to investments, but crypto experts also use the term for established crypto such as bitcoin. Legend believes this cryptocurrency has the potential to assuage investors’ fears and encourage more people to embrace cryptocurrency for several reasons.

Proven Track Record

One of the primary reasons Bryan Legend sees bitcoin as a blue-chip crypto is its unparalleled track record. Since its inception in 2009, bitcoin has been the pioneer and undisputed leader of the cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin survived numerous market cycles, regulatory challenges, and technological advancements — all while maintaining its position as the largest and most valuable cryptocurrency. This long-standing stability and resilience give bitcoin more credibility than many blue-chip stocks in traditional finance.

With a maximum supply capped at 21 million coins, bitcoin’s scarcity echoes the scarcity of other diversified investments, like gold. This limited supply, combined with the increasing demand for a decentralized digital asset, increased bitcoin’s value over time.

Bitcoin’s market dominance is yet another reason why experts like Bryan Legend believe it’s a blue-chip coin. Despite thousands of other altcoins coming into existence, bitcoin still captures the lion’s share of the crypto market.

This dominance not only reflects Bitcoin’s robust network effects, but also signifies the widespread recognition and acceptance of bitcoin as the gold standard. It’s difficult for other cryptocurrencies to rise to bitcoin’s level of market recognition, making it a true blue-chip option in the crypto space.

The Dawn of a New Era: Bitcoin’s Popularity Soars Amid Banking Failures

Multiple bank failures made headlines in 2023. It’s too soon to tell if the recently collapsed institutions will be the last banks to fall this year, but it’s clear that investors are losing confidence in traditional banking. Some investors consider bitcoin a high-risk way to diversify investments. Others see it as a future-proof way to embrace the future of finance.

In the eyes of crypto veterans and DeFi pioneers like Bryan Legend, bitcoin offers an enticing alternative to traditional investments. The silver lining to the most recent string of banking failures is that they could ultimately lead to the next golden age of crypto. The more crypto can gain acceptance and trust, the more eager investors, banking institutions, and the government will be to accept this innovation.

Bryan Legend Gives SafuuGo to the Crypto Community
21 Aug 2023

On July 10, 2023, Bryan Legend announced his resignation as CEO of Vulcan Blockchain. In addition to stepping down from Vulcan, Legend announced that he would permanently step away from his new project, SafuuGo.

Instead of allowing SafuuGo to wither and die, Legend humbly accepted his limitations and gave the project to the SafuuGo community so it could continue. He granted SafuuGo to a council of dedicated members, which converted the project into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

It was a sudden decision that wasn’t without controversy, but Legend felt it was best to place the future of SafuuGo into the hands of the community, which created a DAO. Legend admits he’s experienced mental health struggles that have made it impossible to continue with his ambitious crypto projects. “The past weeks, I have been going through mental struggles,” he tweeted. “It was only right and the best move for me to resign and to sacrifice myself for the greater good.”

However, Legend acknowledges that his departure was anything but smooth. “Could I have done things better and resigned with a more softened approach? Yes. In hindsight, I was emotionally compromised and did things in haste,” he explained.

In light of his resignation, Legend aims to set the record straight about the nature of SafuuGo, how SafuuGo will function going forward, and what its users can expect from the newly established DAO.

Bryan Legend Addresses SafuuGo Concerns

In February 2022, Legend and his team created a new project called the Sustainable Asset Funds for Universal Users, or Safuu. This protocol made it possible to accrue interest every 15 minutes, generating an incredible 383% annual percentage yield at a time when most cryptocurrencies were struggling.

In mid-2023, the Safuu team embraced version 2.0 of Safuu: SafuuGo. This new, improved version of Safuu incorporated artificial intelligence-powered features into its protocol, making it the first AI smart contract protocol in the world. Although he decided to step down, Bryan Legend understood the importance of SafuuGo for the crypto community. In an effort to keep the project alive, he allowed it to become a community-driven DAO.

Any abrupt change in leadership in crypto often leads to panic and the spread of misinformation. Legend set the record straight, explaining that SafuuGo has always been legitimate and uses legal methods to increase its value. “The recycling of money entering in and out throughout the market by way of multiple transactions is the way markets work and have always worked,” he posted on Twitter. “$SAFUU trading fees had both an inflow and an outflow, with the majority of profit being awarded to investors of the token. The market-making efforts I used only benefited holders and traders.”

SafuuGo’s Transformation Into a DAO

Instead of allowing SafuuGo to burn out, Bryan Legend worked with several SafuuGo community members to convert it into a democratic DAO.

A DAO is a completely independent organization that operates online through community consensus instead of through a single leader or founder. Instead of people making decisions, predetermined rules in the protocol, which are stored within the blockchain, make them. However, members of a DAO (and, in this case, $SGO token holders) can vote on changes to these rules to create a truly democratic, decentralized platform powered by the will of the members.

While there are benefits to having a single leader in place, there are numerous benefits to a DAO. The system allows for democratic decisions that give users total control over the protocol. The transparency of the blockchain and the efficiency of the predetermined rules make a DAO the best choice for continuing the legacy of SafuuGo.

With Bryan Legend stepping down, a council will oversee the operations of the SafuuGo DAO, which includes users named Mydisguise, Magus Tenebrae, and WenMOON. This new council will act in the best interests of the user community, acting as leaders to facilitate collaborative decisions.

To support the future growth of SafuuGo, the council created a MultiSig wallet to securely route resources to the DAO. In a show of good faith and his commitment to a smooth transition of power, Brayn Legend transferred $150,000 to the new community-owned MultiSig wallet, effectively making SafuuGo a DAO with a single transaction. The MultiSig wallet is available at this address: 0x5FB605d6afA2EefBee232913414A3C258957D952.

In addition to the transfer of financial resources, Bryan Legend also transferred the SafuuGo contract to the council to ensure the protocol remains stable. At present, the DAO is now in control of the fully developed SafuuGo protocol. The newly formed DAO is also in charge of development; business decisions like payments, lifecycle, and partnerships; marketing; support; and the SafuuGo Discord and Telegram platforms.

The Future of SafuuGo

As difficult as it was to part ways with his life’s work, Bryan Legend’s departure opened up a new chapter for the SafuuGo community, which will now retain total control over the protocol. By transferring both resources and the contract to the community, Legend offered generous support to set SafuuGo up for success going forward.

While changes are still occurring, the SafuuGo council encourages users to stand together as they build a new future for the SafuuGo community. Their goal is to strengthen the community and create a truly democratic system that fosters both collaboration and innovation. The council is now equipped to continue the ambitious plans Bryan Legend set forth when he created the first version of Safuu in 2022. Follow the SafuuGo Medium account for more updates on changes to the DAO.

As for Bryan Legend, he plans to take time away from his work in the crypto space to recover. As an experienced entrepreneur, it’s unlikely he’ll be down for long, but he plans to take an indefinite hiatus from the demands of the constantly shifting crypto space.

Legend knows DeFi has the potential to change the future of finance. He made incredible strides for the crypto community as an innovator and leader. However, for the foreseeable future, Legend is taking a step back from the bleeding edge of crypto innovation. “I will be stepping away from crypto for a while now whilst I regain my mental sanity,” he said.

Bryan Legend Founder of Vulcan Blockchain Resigns
21 Aug 2023

On July 10, 2023, Vulcan Blockchain CEO Bryan Legend announced his departure, effective immediately, from the crypto company. He left Vulcan in the hands of a capable team of personnel which he himself brought on board, who are committed to carrying on the blockchain’s ambitious plans.

“It was only right and the best move for me to resign and sacrifice myself for the greater good,” he tweeted. “This was the only way Vulcan could have legs to succeed and prosper.”

Bryan Legend is a prolific entrepreneur who, after dropping out of school in 10th grade, learned the workings of business through the school of hard knocks. After founding several companies across multiple industries, he developed a decentralized finance protocol called Clever DeFi in 2020. This introduced the concept of automatic interest to cryptocurrencies, which made the ordinarily volatile crypto market more secure.

Bryan Legend also founded OOXY Labs in 2023, where he developed the Vulcan Blockchain as the world’s first auto-staking and auto-rebasing Layer 1 blockchain.

However, after making a name for himself as a crypto and DeFi expert, Legend plans to take a hiatus from the crypto industry. Legend explains why he chose to depart from Vulcan Blockchain and what people can expect from him and the company going forward.

Bryan Legend’s Departure From Vulcan Blockchain

Bryan Legend dedicated himself to Vulcan Blockchain, working to make it as simple and user-friendly as possible. With the belief that simplicity would aid in accessibility and adoption, he led the Vulcan team with the goal of revolutionizing the crypto space forever.

After months of working on Vulcan Blockchain, however, Legend realized he needed to step away from his crypto projects. Publicly known for his “never say never” attitude, Legend admits he privately struggled with his mental health. Unfortunately, things reached a boiling point during the promotion of the newest rollout of SafuuGo, leading Legend to realize he needed to take a break.

“The past weeks, I have been going through mental struggles,” he posted on Twitter. Some stakeholders complained that Legend seemed “wishy-washy” during $SGO announcements. Legend says this is because his mental health challenges began to show publicly, and the pressure to perform became too much.

He feared his performance would hurt Vulcan Blockchain’s reputation forever. Legend’s past, less-successful crypto projects also led to a negative stigma for Vulcan, which he couldn’t stomach.

His sudden departure from Vulcan Blockchain caused an online outcry. Legend admitted he regrets how he handled the abrupt news of his departure. “Could I have done things better and resigned with a more softened approach? Yes,” he said. “In hindsight, I was emotionally compromised and did things in haste. The only way to make everything work was for me to be seen as the bad guy in order to give the true leg up to the community.”

Bryan Legend Looks to the Future

As he steps down as Vulcan Blockchain’s CEO, Bryan Legend assures the crypto community that Vulcan’s team will continue to carry the torch. “As far as Vulcan goes, the current team in charge will address exactly what the total expenditure has been up to now, including all development costs,” he said.

“All current capital funds are held through OOXY Labs’ secure MultiSig [wallet], which the team has made public. The funds are secure and provide enough financial runway for the remainder of the blockchain buildout with mainnet release, including initial liquidity.”

This MultiSig wallet adds an extra layer of security. By providing public information about the MultiSig wallet, Vulcan Blockchain is working to continue strengthening its community through transparency. While some disruption is expected during a change in leadership, Vulcan Blockchain is forging ahead with its plans.

Bryan Legend made incredible strides for the crypto community over the past few years and built a reputation as an industry expert and leader. His user-first approach increased adoption and made DeFi protocols more accessible to users worldwide. Described as a visionary by Forbes and New York Weekly, Legend has made significant contributions to the crypto space.

For the time being, however, Legend will focus on his health. “I will be stepping away from crypto for a while now whilst I regain my mental sanity,” he said. The heartrending decision wasn’t an easy one for Legend, who wants the best for the Vulcan community. “Thank you to all who have been on my side and know my heart is in a good place,” Bryan Legend concluded.

Bryan Legend — Founder of Vulcan Blockchain
08 Jun 2023

Bryan Legend — Founder of Vulcan Blockchain

Bryan Legend, the founder of Vulcan Blockchain and OOXY Labs, has become a recognized visionary in the field. As a successful entrepreneur and influencer, he is working to change the world one step at a time. That is often through the investments he makes in companies and projects he stands behind. Based in Australia, it is most well known for its work in cryptocurrency.

His history is a storied one, dropping out of school at the start of grade 10 and then working labor jobs that paid weekly. He worked in numerous sectors but wanted to move, eventually taking on various roles in the areas of telecommunications, transport, security, and digital marketing. Through each new position and opportunity, Legend managed to teach himself new, valuable skills that would ultimately allow him to gain the skills to thrive in business management.

In 2020, he developed a Decentralized Finance Protocol called Clever DeFi. Two years later, he launched Sustainable Asset Funds for Universal Users or Safuu. Successful in their own right, Legend continued to build and develop new solutions. In 2023, he launched OOXY Labs, which is its own blockchain that is now known as Vulcan. This project enables other users to use the protocol for their benefit.

A noted award-winning professional, Legend has been featured in many publications, including Money Central, Australian Millionaire, Star, and InLife Magazines.

When asked to share some tips, insight, and details about himself, Bryan Legend provided quite some interesting answers to the questions asked.

What is your typical day, and how do you make it productive?

Every day is an opportunity to achieve something, even if it is minor. I value my time, and that means I spend it working through meetings and necessary tasks but also finding time to learn something new, talk to someone who can teach me something, or just find time to be around success.

How do you bring ideas to life?

Ideas come from use. Blockchain is such a new industry that there is an incredible opportunity to better what is already out there. I work to learn what the challenges are that people have and then tap into companies that are at the cutting edge of the field. I listen to users, listen to those who have new ideas, and then work to build out those ideas based on what they can actually do for other people.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Self-learners. My background is just that. I taught myself everything I know, and that was done through hard work and setting out to accomplish big things. Through my YouTube channel and other connections, it fascinates me just how many people around the world want to be self-learners. They are tossing aside the big-world corporate jobs to make money for others so they can build success for themselves. I feel like this is a trend because it seemed so absent for a long time. It is exciting to watch people ask great questions and achieve success in things.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

I keep my to-do list concise. While having a well-planned day really is necessary when you have so much to do, I do not add so many things to that list that it becomes overwhelming. I feel that I am most productive when I can work through tasks while also practicing good self-care. In other words, I work hard, get the work done, and don’t try to work endlessly, so I never reach a level of burnout like some of my colleagues.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I already worked hard and sought new insights. I think I would tell myself to be confident. I had great ideas but questioned following the “traditional path” or stepping out on my own.

Tell us something you believe almost nobody agrees with you on?

A positive attitude matters. That sounds simple, right? Here’s the thing, though. So many people starting, building, and buying companies focus on the negative and are downright aggressive towards making decisions that put profit before people or product. I believe having a positive attitude in every situation matters.

What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

Collect something. I collect watches, and it helps to give me something to quell the never-ending desire to find something new.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

Take a break. Step away for the day. Focus on something completely different. Let my brain think and work through the problem after that break.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career?

Consistency. I develop a plan or strategy. I then follow it consistently for a period of time. That consistency, dedication, if you will, helps you to see what works and what does not.

What is one failure in your career, how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

I got distracted for some time. I focused on the wrong component of a business. I wouldn’t say it failed, but it took a lot of work to fix it. Ultimately, I learned that I need to develop clear strategies and stick to them. I tried to do too much at one time without the help I needed just to get tasks done. It put me behind.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I’m not sure. By design, Vulcan is very transparent. I already like to share everything we are doing! We are always working on the next best thing, but you will need to stay tuned in to find out what we have in the lineup.

What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

Going back to what I said earlier, my team and I use Notion and Google Teams for communication. They are both such mainstream products, but it keeps me productive because I can connect instantly with every person for updates. That is, of course, aside from all of the software we are creating and building out!

Do you have a favorite book or podcast you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

How to Be Rich Ideas “ from Warren Buffett. His mind is fascinating. I have read numerous books on the way he thinks and works.

What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

I like to watch, The Rebound. It is interesting to me to see what other people are thinking at all levels of business. It is quite interesting.

Key learnings

  • Bryan Legend built success from the ground up. He started with just a passion for learning and built a strong future for himself and massive success with it.
  • “Never say never.” It is a motto and attitude that Legend follows that creates a go-to-get-done attitude. This is what helps him to move inspiration into action.
  • The world is a big school from which to learn. With so much information freely available, there is no excuse not to tap into it to become who you want to become. Street smarts are important, but determination wins the game.

Originally published at on June 8, 2023.

Bryan Legend: The Trailblazer Transforming DeFi and Unlocking a World of Financial Opportunities
23 May 2023

Bryan Legend is one of the most respected leaders in the cryptocurrency sector, having earned a reputation as a visionary and innovator in the industry. He’s the CEO of Vulcan Blockchain and co-founder of OOXY Labs, both of which have proven instrumental in promoting the use of cryptocurrency. These and other projects by Legend are driving the development of decentralized finance, which will redefine the future of finance.

“I believe that all financial institutions and financial products should be designed to appropriately ‘suit up’ for the rapid change the digital age is bringing upon us,” the entrepreneur told MoneyCentral Magazine. “We are offering more decentralized services whereby giving the empowerment to users and the public is where my total focus is now toward.”

Bryan was born and raised in Adelaide, Australia. He dropped out of high school in the 10th grade to work full-time. Bryan initially worked manual labor jobs before landing professional positions in a variety of industries, where he honed his work ethic and desire for success.

Bryan Legend’s Vision

Leading financial media like Bitcoinist, Forbes, and NY Weekly have recognized Legend’s expertise in cryptocurrency by featuring him in articles about his contributions, describing him as a leader with a vision that will enable DeFi’s full potential, empowering entrepreneurs to improve their financial circumstances. “Crypto in general is still in its infancy when looked at from the road ahead and brings with it a fairly new industry tied around blockchain,” he told Australian Millionaire Magazine. “For geeks, they love the tech, and for investors, well, they love the ability to make money hand over fist during a bull market.

“Timing is everything when investing and anyone can make money during a bull market and due to the inherent volatility within the crypto market, it offers more upside versus traditional assets.”

Legend believes that the key to success in this sector is innovation, which is the core of his philosophy on cryptocurrency. Furthermore, he’s built his entire career on thinking outside the box and pushing boundaries, which has helped him succeed in the highly competitive world of DeFi.

The thought leader has a number of ideas about this space that are attracting attention. In a recent interview with Forbes, he discussed the importance of customizing the education of entrepreneurs, adding that current programs often don’t provide young people with the guidance they need in this area. He also said that new entrepreneurs could achieve great success in the business world if they had the right tools and resources.

“Holding firm to the idea that a formal education and degrees are the standard for success needs to be reexamined,” Legend told Forbes. “Still, demonizing getting degrees should undoubtedly be avoided because success means different things to different people.

“My primary concern is for those youth who cannot afford to go to school. I want them to realize that they have innate smarts and that if they are determined, they can succeed even more than I have.”

Vulcan Blockchain

Bryan Legend’s latest disruptive innovation is the Vulcan blockchain. He’s used his leadership and expertise to develop this DeFi platform, which is changing the way people approach financial investments. For example, Vulcan makes it easier for investors to participate in cryptocurrency and control their futures.

Vulcan is a stand-alone Layer 1 blockchain that allows users to complete financial transactions quickly and securely. Vulcan users form smart contracts that are compatible with the ethereum virtual machine, providing an environment for them to develop their own decentralized applications. Vulcan has 500 full nodes and 1,500 light nodes, making it highly decentralized, scalable, and secure compared to other L1 blockchains.

Vulcan blockchain relies on node validators to provide proof-of-authority consensus, which shortens block times. PoA is an efficient consensus algorithm in which individual computers, or nodes, earn the right to generate new blocks by passing a vetting process. The PoA model uses a relatively small number of validators, making it more scalable than older validation methods.

Additional features of Vulcan include PoA, auto-compounding, auto-rebasing, and auto-staking.

Future Impact

Decentralized exchanges are another aspect of DeFi that Vulcan could significantly improve. DEXs are already a significant part of DeFi because they allow users to trade cryptocurrencies without a centralized exchange. However, the DEXs currently available often experience problems like slow transaction speed and poor liquidity. Vulcan can help resolve these issues with its scalable, interoperable platform. These capabilities could allow Vulcan users to create DEXs that offer high liquidity while still handling high transaction volume.

Lending protocols also provide Vulcan with the opportunity to improve the capabilities of DeFi. These protocols allow users to lend their cryptocurrencies to other users by allowing them to earn interest. They’re a key component of DeFi, but the current lending protocols often have limited security and scalability. Vulcan’s greater security and higher capacity can thus increase the incentive of users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings.

Additional areas where Vulcan can improve DeFi include asset management and insurance. Vulcan’s potential to enable more complex dApps could drive innovation by providing users with greater control over their assets.

Bryan Legend is redefining the course of DeFi with Vulcan blockchain and other cryptocurrency platforms. His vision and leadership have driven innovation and empowered investors to take greater control over their finances. In particular, Vulcan is making DeFi transactions more transparent, secure, and accessible, which will attract investors from the traditional centralized finance sector. Bryan Legend will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in DeFi as this industry continues to evolve — and he wants to take fellow DeFi enthusiasts with him. He tweeted, “What’s your sense of purpose? Mine is to make countless millionaires in the #crypto space. It is has already begun.”

Originally published at

Bryan Legend Knows What It Takes And How To Get There
19 May 2023

I was brought up blue-collar in a family environment that believed money was a hard thing to come by and viewed it as something evil that either the rich and famous had or that somebody didn’t deserve because they caused harm to another.

This is entirely the wrong mindset to have. I knew from my mid-late teens that I wanted money, that deep down it was calling my name and that I was destined for something greater than normal everyday living. I certainly felt I was deserving and that a mediocre life was not something I was happy to accept.

Throughout my school years, I always felt distracted and found myself always disobeying orders. A knowing trait of an entrepreneur where I wanted to do my own thing and not be concerned with things out of my control.

Dropping out of school in the first semester of year 10, three years before graduation year I was eager to start in the workforce, accepting responsibility, and being more independent.

After the first number of years slogging away at a general week-to-week wage within the labor industry, I knew this was not my calling and that there was something to come that would meet my desire of being successful and wealthy.

This is where I started learning the art of sales by being part of different industries; telecommunications, transport, household appliances, security, and others.

I definitely had the ‘gift of the gab’ and began to educate others on how to sell and what the customer wants ad expects.

Being successful at this and wanting to upskill myself, I began to focus more on business management, namely, how to run a profitable business, and self-taught everything along the way I needed to know on how to become a successful CEO.

What Exactly Does Clever DeFi Do?

Since then, I have solely founded several companies that have all been successful in their own way, the latest of which is Clever Defi. My previous history and the companies I have been part of can be publicly accessed through Bryan Legend’s LinkedIn.

Clever DeFi is the first truly decentralized protocol giving power to the many, rather than the few, and offers a new decentralized finance (DeFi) token with an innovative design that uses Blockchain to distribute secure interest payments to holders on a 14-day cycle.

Each cycle offers up to 11% compound interest and with all 888 scheduled cycles to complete in just over 34 years. Clever Token (CLVA) has been programmed to meet a forecasted average ROI of 80.60% per annum.

It can be looked at as the new, improved, and smart way to store your wealth.

What Do You See As Your Greatest Success In Life?

I feel being able to work for myself and pave my own path by not having to follow anybody else’s rules is an inborn need and being lucky enough to be semi-retired at the age of 37 is something to be grateful for as my main accomplishment.

Also, I have always been very materialistic at heart so being able to afford a few expensive toys isn’t such a bad thing either.

What’s one trend that excites you?

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, in general, is the industry as a whole that I have a particular interest in and a lot of experience in. Expanding from that is the whole DeFi (Decentralized Finance) space that I find quite appealing.

I find DeFi opens up new untapped ways to get a better grasp on our own finances as well as empower people to have a better understanding of their own finances as well as how finance works in general. DeFi offers up the possibilities of redefining that.

What Is One Habit Of Yours That Makes You More Productive As An Entrepreneur?

If I believe in something wholeheartedly and set a goal to accomplish it because of that same belief, I will find myself giving up all other life priorities and dedicating my sole efforts to accomplishing that task. Namely, starting a new business concept or enterprise.

I will give 110% focus on doing everything in my power to make sure it is successful and being productive with my time allows me to navigate those waters. Not getting distracted by any outside events that would cause me to lose focus and not letting sight of that goal until it is complete, allows me to stay motivated throughout the whole process.

What Is The Best $100 You Recently Spent? What And Why?

The best $100 I have ever spent was on starting my first ‘real business’ which plugged a niche within the world of digital marketing.

That very business was started from my living room which inevitably led to greater expansion into a prestigious office location within the CBD and managing several staff to bring it to a million-dollar enterprise.

Originally published at on May 19, 2023.

Bryan Legend’s Vulcan Blockchain Revolutionizes the Cryptocurrency World
17 May 2023

Bryan Legend is an Australian entrepreneur, influencer, and investor, especially in the cryptocurrency space. He’s best known as the CEO of Vulcan Blockchain and co-founder of OOXY Labs. Legend is a key figure in decentralized finance and is currently transforming that industry with Vulcan. But who is he? Let Legend himself answer. “ What’s your sense of purpose?” he tweeted. “Mine is to make countless millionaires in the #crypto space. It is has already begun.”

Bryan Legend’s Origin Story

Legend dropped out of school three years before graduation and worked in a series of labor jobs for a few years. He then entered the white-collar world in various sectors, including digital marketing, security, telecommunications, and transport, where he learned skills like business management that would serve him well later in his career.

“My first few jobs were in sales, and I discovered something new about myself doing those jobs,” he told . “It turned out that I had a special gift of negotiation, and that gift has been primarily responsible for my business success.

“I eventually harnessed my love for technology and innovation and my strong desire to make a lot of money and got into cryptocurrency in the early stages.”

Legend found success with Safuu, a decentralized autonomous organization that’s entirely community driven.

His next project was , which he co-founded to develop a blockchain called Vulcan. The initial purpose of this protocol was to support additional projects.

What Is DeFi?

Bryan Legend is taking the DeFi space by storm — but what, exactly, is DeFi?

DeFi provides investors with financial instruments without the need for intermediaries like banks, brokerages, and exchanges. Instead, DeFi platforms perform transactions by relying on a blockchain to form smart contracts, allowing these platforms to borrow and lend funds, speculate on physical assets, trade cryptocurrency, insure assets against risk, and earn interest on principal. Some applications promote high interest rates but they’re also subject to high risk.

DeFi platforms use modular building blocks of code to build a multilayered architecture.

Cryptocurrency exchanges on a DeFi platform are known more specifically as a decentralized exchange (DEX), which performs direct peer-to-peer transactions. Traditional currency exchanges are overseen by various third-party entities like banks, government institutions, online payment gateways, and stockbrokers. However, DEXs use a blockchain or distributed ledger to manage their transactions, often by relaying an order book. Many other approaches to this process also exist, but their degree of decentralization may differ significantly.

DEX traders rarely need to transfer assets to the exchange before making a trade, which reduces the risk of theft due to hacking. However, providers of liquid assets need to transfer tokens to the DEX. Nevertheless, DEXs still provide greater anonymity than the know-your-customer requirements that centralized financial transactions typically use.

What Is Vulcan Blockchain?

Vulcan Blockchain is a platform intended to expand the role of DeFi in financial markets by making it accessible to anyone who wants to use it to conduct transactions. It has several features that allow it to serve many use cases, helping to bring Vulcan into mainstream use.

Vulcan Blockchain uses two native assets: VUL and gVUL. VUL coins are available to the public, while gVUL coins are exclusive to investors with voting rights. The gVUL coins are governance tokens that Vulcan will use to fund the development and maintenance of its network. Investors with these tokens have voting rights that will determine future initiatives. The number of VUL coins will determine the final supply of gVUL coins, but the gVUL coins won’t rebase. Investors can exchange their VUL coins for gVUL coins to earn voting rights.

Additionally, Vulcan is the first auto-rebasing DeFi platform, meaning that investors can automate their rules, generally for the purpose of maximizing their yields. Vulcan can thus distribute holdings among multiple assets according to a predefined set of parameters. Investors are then able to make strategic decisions without the need for manual intervention.

Vulcan uses the Vulcan Consensus algorithm, which is based on the proof-of-authority concept originally proposed by ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2017. PoA is a reputation-based consensus that provides a practical, efficient solution for protecting blockchain networks. It leverages the value of identities, meaning that block validators stake their own reputation rather than using cryptocurrency to do so. As a result, validating nodes are selected as trustworthy secure PoA blockchains. This approach makes Vulcan more secure and reduces its carbon footprint because it requires less energy.

Vulcan’s Fire Pit burn mechanism redirects 60% of the transaction fees generated by the network to its Fire Pit, which permanently destroys those fees. This process mitigates inflation of VUL by reducing its total supply. Removing a portion of the transaction fees from circulation contributes to VUL’s long-term stability, thus promoting its use as a medium of exchange.

Transparency and Impact

Blockchains normally provide some degree of transparency, although people at the top usually make the major decisions regarding the platform and its ecosystem. This isn’t the case with Vulcan, as investors who buy the gVUL coin are entitled to voting rights. This privilege allows them to share their opinion on Vulcan Improvement Proposals. Now that Vulcan is a DAO, it doesn’t require a central authority or intermediaries to manage decision-making processes. Furthermore, investors get regular updates from the company that keep them informed about the backend activities that keep Vulcan running smoothly.

Bryan Legend’s Vulcan has the potential to transform the DeFi space by driving innovation and growth in this market. It provides a secure blockchain platform, which could enable the development of more complex DeFi applications.

DEXs is one area where Vulcan could have a particularly large impact. They’re already a fundamental component of the DeFi ecosystem, but they often exhibit poor liquidity and long transaction times. The ability of Vulcan to provide an interoperable, scalable platform could allow it to enable DEXs that offer better liquidity and higher transaction volumes.

Lending protocols are another area where Vulcan could revolutionize DeFi. They enable users to earn interest on cryptocurrency by lending it to other users, making these protocols a key component of DeFi. However, the lending protocols currently in place generally lack security and scalability. Vulcan could enable the creation of protocols that could handle higher transaction volumes while still providing greater security.

In addition, Vulcan can improve asset insurance and management for its investors by enabling the creation of more sophisticated DeFi applications. This development could help unlock DeFi’s full potential.

Bryan Legend’s Vision

Bryan Legend’s vision for Vulcan Blockchain promises to be a game changer in the DeFi industry. The interoperability, scalability, and security it offers give Vulcan the potential to enable DeFi applications with greater capabilities, thus driving innovation in this market. Remaining challenges in this rapidly evolving space include regulatory certainty and competition from existing blockchains. Overcoming these barriers could allow Vulcan to become a major DeFi player.

And Bryan Legend is up for the challenge.

“Cryptocurrency is a fascinating phenomenon of how technology has outpaced the traditional banking system and how it is at the forefront of challenging the fiat-based government,” he told . “The relevance of this technology was what beckoned me more than anything else. As an entrepreneur, I always wanted to be at the center of the action, and cryptocurrency appeared to be where the action was happening.”

Originally published at on May 17, 2023.

How Bryan Legend Is Reinventing Finance With the Vulcan Blockchain
11 May 2023

Bryan Legend has earned a reputation in the crypto space as one of the most prominent and innovative figures, and he’s achieved this in just a few short years. A thought leader and disrupter, Legend constantly pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in crypto with businesses and projects such as OOXY Labs, Safuu, and Vulcan Blockchain — decentralized finance solutions that are reinventing the world of finance.

Bryan Legend is seen as something of a DeFi industry pioneer. His work has been responsible for shaping the modern DeFi landscape through his DeFi projects, making it more trusted, reliable, and accessible than ever before.

“Crypto itself isn’t going anywhere, but most cryptos are,” Legend observed. “What I mean by that is the future of cryptography and blockchain is here to stay but 99% of the crypto projects that exist today won’t be around in the near future because they are simply not geared the right way in a decentralized manner.” Born in Brisbane, Australia, Bryan Legend has spent more than 10 years in the crypto space, and that experience combined with his exemplary sales background have made him a powerhouse in the sector.

Today, the DeFi market is helping to revolutionize the traditional world of finance by offering people a decentralized way to access financial products and services. DeFi makes it possible to access new investment opportunities without relying on centralized, regulated financial institutions and all the rules and oversight that comes with them.

Through his latest project, the Vulcan Blockchain, Legend hopes to outshine his previous DeFi ventures and completely transform the market for good.

What Is the Vulcan Blockchain?

Bryan Legend’s philosophy is that innovation is the key to success. It’s something he’s built his career on. By thinking outside the box and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, he’s stayed ahead of emerging trends in the industry. Enter Vulcan Blockchain.

Vulcan Blockchain is a new Blockchain sitting in the very heart of Decentralized Finance which is designed to help investors unlock DeFi protocols. Vulcan has been described by Legend as a blockchain automatic revenue-sharing service, a term that he created in a series of recent tweets.

“The #DeFi space is changing rapidly to become more efficient and passive income oriented. Investors are looking to participate in sound protocols with underlying revenue-sharing strategies,” Legend tweeted.

“A #blockchain thrives from user adoption, on-chain volume, and an expanding ecosystem, so the evolution of merging DeFi mechanics with blockchain technology and automatically distributing revenue sharing with its users is a game changer never seen before in the industry,” he added.

“Blockchain Automatic Revenue Sharing (BARS) will usher in the new wave in DeFi. #VulcanBlockchain is the world’s first to implement this radical new approach.”

Bryan Legend believes that Vulcan Blockchain will fill a massive gap in the market as DeFi continues to undergo rapid transformations. According to the crypto pro, there’s a growing need for effective protocols that give investors more confidence, security, and independence from external influence and regulation. This is what motivated him to develop blockchain automatic revenue sharing, and it’s one of the core principles of the Vulcan Blockchain platform.

Legend believes that this increase in security in the DeFi market has become a necessity. This need, along with more demands for independence from external regulation, is what Legend says is driving the evolution of blockchain, and it’s what motivated him to develop BARS.

The entrepreneur has come a long way since dropping out of school in the 10th grade and entering the work world rather than pursuing a university degree. After working several jobs, he decided he’d be far better off making his own way in life and decided to go into business. He tried and tested various business ideas before finding success in digital marketing, and he used the money made through this business as a way to launch into the then-emerging crypto space.

Today, he is one of the most notable crypto industry personalities. With a wide range of businesses under his belt, including Twilx, Vulcan, OOXY, and Clever, Legend is one of the biggest personalities in the industry. In 2022, Legend created Safuu, a DeFi protocol that enables users to invest in sustainable assets.

Changing How We Think About Finance

Under Bryan Legend’s leadership, Vulcan Blockchain has developed innovative DeFi solutions that are changing the way we think about finance. The platform makes it easier than ever for regular people to take control of their finances while also participating in the cryptocurrency revolution.

The platform compensates users for their commitment to it, making it different from any other platforms currently operating. Rewards are generated through a rewards network; this network is backed by fees that the validator charges for hashing network operations on the Vulcan Blockchain.

What this means is that users who auto-stake on the Vulcan platform are guaranteed to earn a passive income proportional to the amount at stake. Rewards are paid out to users in the platform’s native coin, VUL, which users can reinvest, sell, or trade for gVUL, a governance coin that includes platform governance voting rights.

While this has predictably attracted attention from authorities including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Bryan Legend’s BARS concept has addressed this challenge through its native auto-staking feature.

Ready for Tomorrow’s Challenges

According to Bryan Legend, the Vulcan Blockchain platform is completely future-proofed. While many DeFi platforms suffer from bloating as new users enter the market, Legend has engineered a way to ensure that his platform doesn’t suffer this problem.

“Users of the ethereum chain have mostly moved over to Binance Smart Chain and other comparatively lower gas-cost chains that offer better performance. But Vulcan Blockchain offers even less gas costs when compared to Binance Smart Chain even though they are both [ethereum virtual machine] compatible on the surface. However, Vulcan Blockchain is the only one with BARS technology at its core, which incentivizes users to want to use Vulcan instead.”

Although the method behind this feature is a closely guarded secret, it’s known that it also eliminates third-party intervention for conducting transactions in its network, which has attracted several users and increased participation in the DeFi space.

Originally published at

Bryan Legend’s Vulcan Blockchain Project Introduces VUL and GVUL Tokens
03 May 2023

Vulcan Blockchain, the exciting and innovative brainchild of Australian entrepreneur Bryan Legend, recently announced that it’s in the final stages of Beta Testnet and preparation for the launch of its innovative auto-rebasing layer 1 blockchain, which is scheduled to debut in the second quarter of 2023.

Legend, the founder and CEO of Vulcan Blockchain, designed the new Vulcan solution to solve supply side issues relating to market liquidity, availability, and stability. According to the tech visionary, the platform will seek to solve some of the most pressing regulatory challenges facing the decentralized finance space today which, if left unchecked, could present a serious barrier to new cryptocurrency investments.

Vulcan Blockchain

Vulcan Blockchain is a Layer 1 DeFi solution with a powerful ecosystem designed to unlock the full potential of DeFi protocols. It’s been described by Bryan Legend as a Blockchain Automatic Revenue Sharing (BARS) service, a term he recently coined in a series of tweets. “Blockchain Automatic Revenue Sharing (BARS) will usher in the new wave in DeFi. #VulcanBlockchain is the World’s First to implement this radical new approach,” reads one.

BARS describes a new, pioneering type of auto-staking function that gives users access to multiple streams of passive income via the Vulcan platform, and Bryan Legend is hopeful that it will help to bring in a new era of DeFi.

The BARS service also includes an innovative auto-rebasing feature, which is designed to enable the Vulcan Blockchain to automatically readjust its balance by adjusting the native Vulcan VUL coin supply every 15 minutes. This mechanism is a major innovation in coin price stability in the long term and is invaluable for providing transparency to investors.

Attempts To Ban Crypto Staking

The release of Vulcan’s auto-rebasing feature coincides with the recent news that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is looking to ban cryptocurrency staking.

The Vulcan Blockchain platform gets around this through the auto-staking features, however, enabling investors to rely on the platform’s innovative technology to circumvent any potential bans and continue earning yields on their crypto staking.

The sudden interest of the SEC in crypto staking comes as a result of the high yields being earned by certain crypto investors. Vulcan’s auto-staking feature will provide a safe, secure, and legal way of earning on staking despite any potential regulatory developments. This makes it an ideal solution for crypto investors who want to continue to leverage the potential of passive income through crypto and DeFi.


Vulcan Blockchain has two native assets: VUL and gVUL.

VUL is openly available to all users and investors on the Vulcan Blockchain platform, just like any other native blockchain crypto coin, just like ETH and BNB.

In contrast, gVUL is an exclusive token; the “g” stands for governance, and these tokens fund the maintenance and development of the Vulcan Blockchain network. Investors who hold coveted gVUL tokens have voting rights that determine future initiatives for development within the platform.

According to Bryan Legend, the final supply of gVUL tokens will be determined based on the number of VUL coins. These will not rebase, however. There are also plans to allow investors to exchange their VUL coins for gVUL tokens to earn voting rights.

Future-Proofing the DeFi Space

There’s no shortage of examples of new crypto platforms that have overpromised and underdelivered; Bryan Legend, the co- founder of OOXY Labs, is adamant that Vulcan won’t be one of them.

In an effort to demonstrate his commitment, he has worked hard to ensure that the Vulcan Blockchain platform is completely future-proof. Many DeFi platforms, for example, suffer from bloating as new users enter the market, which slows down transaction speeds while hiking up fees. To get around this, Legend has developed a feature that will optimize its use of smart contracts.

“That word ‘bloating’ is basically what has happened to the ethereum blockchain,” explains Legend. “The network has slowed greatly due to the sheer amount of users interacting with it causing gas prices to soar.

“Users of the ethereum chain have mostly moved over to Binance smart chain and other comparatively lower gas cost chains that offer better performance. But, Vulcan Blockchain offers even less gas costs when compared to Binance smart chain even though they are both [ethereum virtual machine] compatible on the surface. However, Vulcan Blockchain is the only one with BARS technology at its core, which incentivizes users to want to use Vulcan instead.”

This feature helps make transactions faster and more secure. Although the methodology behind this feature has not been made public, it’s known that it eliminates third-party intervention for conducting transactions in its network, which has attracted several users and increased participation in the DeFi space.

As for security and transparency — two considerations that are critical for investors — the Vulcan Blockchain platform has implemented several measures to protect user data.

Vulcan uses advanced encryption algorithms and regular security audits to ensure that the platform stays updated with the latest security standards. This is good news for investors with large asset pools who have until now found it difficult to trust that blockchain platforms are sufficiently protected against threat actors.

Furthermore, investors who buy the VUL coin are entitled to voting rights to express their opinions on Vulcan improvement proposals. This is managed through the decentralized autonomous organization, an entity that doesn’t require a central authority or intermediary to manage the process. Investors are given regular updates from Vulcan and are kept informed about what’s happening on the back end to keep the platform running smoothly.

Originally published at on May 3, 2023.

Bryan Legend: Innovating the DeFi Space With the Vulcan Blockchain Platform
25 Apr 2023

Vulcan Blockchain is the new crypto platform developed by Australian entrepreneur Bryan Legend, a visionary most notable for being the core founder of the development company platform OOXY Labs. With this new project, Legend hopes to usher in the next level of decentralized finance.

A pioneer in the DeFi space, Legend has played an instrumental role in shining a spotlight on the industry and has helped to shape the DeFi landscape by working on the development of various DeFi projects. He’s the core founder of OOXY Labs, a leading development company, and the founder and CEO of Vulcan Blockchain.

The DeFi market has been making waves in recent years. It’s helping to revolutionize the traditional, stuffy world of finance by offering decentralized means for accessing financial products and services. With DeFi, it’s possible to access many new types of investment opportunities without having to rely on centralized, regulated institutions and all the compliance baggage and oversight that comes with them.

DeFi has grown exponentially since its inception just a few years ago. It’s made it possible for everyone to participate in modern financial markets and, most importantly, benefit from their growth potential. Bryan Legend has been at the forefront of this, and through the Vulcan Blockchain platform, he hopes to transform the DeFi space for good completely.

The Vulcan Blockchain

Vulcan Blockchain is a DeFi platform designed to help investors unlock the full potential of DeFi protocols. The platform has been described by Bryan Legend as a Blockchain Automatic Revenue Sharing (BARS) service, a term that he coined in a series of Tweets.

“The #DeFi space is changing rapidly to become more efficient and passive income oriented. Investors are looking to participate in sound protocols with underlying revenue-sharing strategies,” Legend tweeted.

“A #blockchain thrives from a user adoption, on-chain volume, and an expanding ecosystem, so the evolution of merging DeFi mechanics with blockchain technology and automatically distributing revenue sharing with its users is a game changer never seen before in the industry,” he added.

“Blockchain Automatic Revenue Sharing (BARS) will usher in the new wave in DeFi. #VulcanBlockchain is the World’s First to implement this radical new approach.”

Bryan Legend has been involved in cryptocurrency for over a decade. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the table alongside a successful sales background that has won him several industry awards over the years. Today, he is one of the most notable crypto industry personalities and has launched a wide range of businesses, including Twilx, Vulcan and OOXY.

In 2022, Legend also created Safuu, a DeFi protocol that enables users to invest in sustainable assets.

Now, Legend believes that the Vulcan Blockchain platform will fill a huge need in the market as DeFi continues to undergo rapid changes. He states that there’s a need for effective protocols that give investors more confidence and a need for greater security and independence from external influence and regulation. This motivated him to develop BARS, and it’s one of the underlying principles of the Vulcan platform.

Compensating Users for Their Commitment

The Vulcan Blockchain platform is unique in how it compensates its users for their commitment to it. Rewards are generated via a rewards network, and these are generated from fees that the validator charges for hashing network operations on the Vulcan Blockchain.

This means that staking on the Vulcan platform offers users a guaranteed passive income proportional to the amount of money that’s staked by the user, along with its period of unavailability and any conditions set by the validator. Rewards are paid out to users in the platform’s native coin (VUL), which users can reinvest, sell, or trade for gVUL, a governance coin that includes platform governance voting rights.

While the ease of making passive income through crypto staking has attracted attention from regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Bryan Legend’s BARS concept addresses this challenge and provides a way around this through its native auto-staking feature.

In addition, there are three other methods that platform users can utilize to earn passive income: Fixed, Flex, and PowerPool.

Fixed is the platform’s 44% annual percentage rate that’s automatically distributed to all users who hold VUL. This means all users can access a high APR without commitment; VUL can be converted and withdrawn at any time.

Next up is Flex, which distributes 1% of fees from all VUL transactions accumulated during a 24-hour period across all users who hold a minimum of VUL 1 in their wallet. The amount that users are rewarded is proportionate to their VUL holding as a percentage of the total supply.

Finally, PowerPool is a 30-day cumulative total of unclaimed daily Flex rewards that can be claimed by active Vulcan platform users who’ve claimed their daily Flex reward for the full 30 days. This encourages continued participation in the platform and on-chain activity for node operator rewards.

Originally published at

Learn more about Bryan Legend

6 Facts About Bryan Legend That’ll Inspire You To Dream Big

Who is Bryan Legend? Crypto King & Vulcan Blockchain Founder

Vulcan Blockchain Founder Bryan Legend Ushers In a New Era of DeFi With ‘#BARS’