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Marketing & Innovation Director

Professional Status
Available soon
Open to opportunities
About Me
A multilingual marketing director
with an international experience in both phamaceutical & food industries, a know-how in innovation leadership
& a background in food & life science.
Supervised the Bodymax 14 days' challenge promotion leveraged both in mass media and at pharmacies
Creation date
28 févr. 2016
Supervised the creation of a new communication aiming at driving cod liver oil consumption among older kids
Creation date
30 sept. 2014
Co-lead creation of Orkla Health Poland Webshop.
Creation date
31 janv. 2016
Recommended Colon C brand acquisition.
Built business case.
Took part in acquisition team.
Creation date
30 juil. 2015
Supervised the creation of an e-learning platform and e-learning program dedicated to pharmacists.
Creation date
30 sept. 2015
This new communication platform is part of a plan to reinvest behind Manti brand after 8 years of silence,
in the strategical heartburns segment.
This new communication platform had a TREMENDOUS impact on sales, nearly doubling market share in a month time,
despite a very competitive digestion & liver segment.
This new campaign targetted at Christmas and Easter overeating occasions allowed Verdin
to start building market share.
This copy allowed to establish a new record for brand market share
Web campaign aimed at recruiting young users to the category
Non- standard campaign aiming at winning the esteem of young people
who neglect diarrhea.
Campaign brought a 20 points increase in top of mind awareness
and got nominated in "Golden Eagle" 2011 competition.
This is the result of a long term work on:
  • new positionning
  • new creative idea
    To note: pack redesign
Creation date
04 nov. 2010
This is a press campaign that supported Danio variants with pieces to chew
which increase feeling of hunger satiafaction.
Creation date
04 nov. 2010
The first TVC on the new hunger satisfaction plateform to have obtained excellent pre-test and in market results.
Creation date
04 nov. 2010
This radio campaign was leveraging the hunger noise signature
introduced in the TVC, in occasions to hear complementary to TV.
Creation date
04 nov. 2010
This was an attempt to build on regional pride
as Danio was facing strong local competition
Creation date
04 nov. 2010
Danio pack was redisgned with introduction of a colour code &
reflection of best method for small hunger positioning.
Succesfull variants were launched on this positionning (banana, bigger packs).
A revolutionary salty range was created, to tap into the significant savoury cheese market in Poland.
Creation date
05 nov. 2010
This is the year II TVC campaign,
with excellent testing scores and in-market results,
totally developped in Poland.
Creation date
05 nov. 2010
This is the copy the launched Activia in Poland,
that holds the highest persusasion score of Danone Poland.
Creation date
05 nov. 2010
Activia introduced or leveraged few revolutionary elements:
- a 2 pack in a single cup market
- an impactful communication at the point of sales thanks to a strong colour
code, the surface offered by carton wrap and the bloc disposition.
This contributed to effective recruitment at launch.
Activia drinkable launch in 200mL handy bottle brought significant incremental volume, and allowed to put successfully a foot in the developping drinkable market.
Creation date
05 nov. 2010
Danviva fresh beverage natural vitality drink,
a mix designed & launched in Poland.
Creation date
05 nov. 2010