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Brozi Clément

International Sales & Marketing - Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.

Brozi Clément
36 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
  • Supported the international sales team by delivering forms and reports linked to the business jet market (Pre-owned market activity, Demo aircraft tracking, Presentations...)
  • Performed a study that correlated specific economic indicators (GDP, Gross Investment...) with business jet market trends
  • Provided targeting recommendations and forecasts based on the above study
  • Initiated, developed and budgeted a mobile application (Apple and Android devices)
  • Performed a study of the Peruvian and Colombian business aircraft markets and provided marketing plans and recommendations
  • Assisted in NBAA 2012 organization in Orlando (FL, USA)
  • Evaluated benchmarking on search marketing
  • Designed several customer studies
  • Analyzed study results and provided recommendations based on above studies
  • Managed customer and supplier relationships
  • Assisted in tourist group management in Scandinavia
  • Created products, tour booklets and technical programs
  • Designed a customer study aimed at measuring satisfaction
  • Participated in promoting tours
  • Assisted in incentives events organization
  • Escorted people on tours, including tours into natural areas
  • Described and explained points of interest on the tour
  • Arranged entry to places such as museums, government buildings and exhibitions
  • Answered questions and gave out written information
  • Managed accomodation and meals organization
  • Acted as an interpreter