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Boubacar COLY

Masters student in International Professional Management of Eco-Innovation

Boubacar COLY
Driving License
29 years old (France)
Professional Status
Nearing graduation
About Me
After succeeding a full Masters in International Business Administration and few years of professional experience, I followed my interest for ecology and sustainable development by integrating the International Professional Master of Eco-Innovation (Econoving) at Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines University (Île de France Region). Besides the Senegalese and French languages that I am native speaker, I fluently communicate in English and in Spanish and I have a scholar level of German.

I am looking forward to gain professional experience while contributing to the continious growth of sustainable economy.That is why I am ready to put in pratice all the skills of my training for all the fields of activity that are likely to go towards sustainability and innovation for a better future.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
This report was established by eight students in International Master Management of Eco-innovation during the second semester of the program 2011-2012. The results were also presented in front of a jury composed of Scholars and companies’ representatives from Italcementi, SNCF, GDF and Saur.
The project was part of the Programme Gare: partnership between the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, the city of Versailles and the French rail transport company SNCF.
Programme Gare has for goal to renovate and modernize the train station of the Chantiers district in Versailles by creating a multimodal pole and more environmentally friendly infrastructures.
We, as students, were working on the project as consultants and our objective was to present our propositions for the future train station and its surroundings.
Starting from the origins and the production process here is presented a science-based analysis
of the viability a sugar-cane ethanol biofuel. The main method used in this analysis is a focus on
current context of sugar-cane biofuel industry adapted not only to ecologic and social challenges for
the future but also to economics according to countries it is exploited in.