I have deep Texas roots, but am a global citizen at-heart, having called the USA, France, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia & England home.
I love developing people & pioneering new ventures. I see the world through a painted artistic lens, looking to find beauty & hope in all things. I believe in the life-changing power of grace, love, & redemption, & am passionate about building community wherever I go.
PERSONALITY PROFILES: (*more upon request)
Meyers Briggs --> The Campaigner (ENFP) Role: Diplomat / Strategy: People Mastery
Oct 13-Dec 15: Director of Short-Term Teams, Greater Europe Mission (McKinney, TX) --> coordinated teams of 300+ people per year to engage in ministry across Europe, balanced accounts, arranged travel, liased with European field leaders, implemented cross-cultural training programs
Collected and verified 145 years of church history by studying archives of church bulletins and newsletters, conducting interviews, writing surveys, and hosting church member group meetings
Compiled information and wrote the church history (160+ pages)
Facilitated project leadership meetings, strategies, and deadlines
Pioneered new organizational digital structures to house and file all data collected
Coordinated teams (300+ people per year) to engage in ministry across Europe {including 80 people to the Scottish Commonwealth Games & 60 people to the Brazilian World Cup in 2014}
Balanced accounts, arranged travel, liaised with European field leaders & missionaries
Implemented training & discipleship programs for international teams
Conducted cultural missions training seminars & workshops for teams
Planned & facilitated 60+ 2-week ministry projects all across Europe
My time at Hillsong International Leadership College was an intensive 2-year immersion program into worship & pastoral ministry. My roles included the following: team leader for the Hillsong College Recruitment Team, team leader for the anti-Sex-Trafficking Prayer Group, team leader for Sisterhood Women’s Ministry, team leader for Chapel Services, pastoral care leader for college students, & Hillsong Connect Group Leader.