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Kouakou Kan Brendorne Berenger YAO

Kouakou Kan Brendorne Berenger YAO


Exploration and Mining Geologist Mining and Oil
Geologist drilling Exploration Mining
Sampling Geochemistry Soil, Roche, Termitiaire
Cartography and Geophysics
Basic concept of explosives in mines and quarries
29 years old
Tabou Côte d’Ivoire
Unemployed Open to opportunities
A young graduate of the Higher Technician Certificate (BTS), option: Mines-Geology-Oil, having already a very good experience in the administrative field, and also, in Exploration Minière in particular mining exploration drilling, cartography, Layering, Geophysics, Soil Geochemical Sampling; rocks; Termite Mound ...

A conscientious, rigorous, dynamic, analytical and proactive worker, I have the habit of leading multidisciplinary teams while having a good listening to others in order to optimize the production.

I also visited several localities of Ivory Coast in the geological frame to know:
-In the region of Sud-Comoé (Grand-Bassam, Samo, Vridi- Canal)
-In the region of Marahoué (Zagouta, Alékran, Angovia, Allai wheatkouamékro)
-In the Poro region (Sirasso)
-In the Gontougo region (Bondoukou, Kamala, Kohodio, Tambi).
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Team leader in layering
  • Auger drilling supervisor (Motorized Tarriers) and Wells for sampling
  • Load to describe and make the database of samples collected from Auger wells and boreholes.
  • Sampling, Labeling, Sample Packing followed by shipment to the laboratory
  • Processing of field data to the computer (Roche; Sol)
  • Analyze the rock samples from the X.R.F
  • Supervise and guide the drill core D.D (Diamond Drilling)
  • Manager of Stocks and Equipment Mining Exploration Camp in the localities of Tambi, Kohodio and Kamala in the sub-prefecture of Bondoukou - Ivory Coast
  • Positioning and monitoring of the R.C (Reverse Circulation) sounder
  • Description of samples (Chips, cuttings or rock debris) of the R.C sounding
  • Sampling, Labeling, Sample Packing followed by shipment to the laboratory
  • Field data records
  • Facilitate the linking of prospects and companies that would like to conclude a contract with '' PRIMUM SARL ''
  • Bibliographic studies
  • Relational techniques between the society and the population of YAOURE (Bouaké - Ivory Coast)
  • Pilot implementation of simple tools for Mechanization and Improvement of Mining
  • Visit of four gold panning sites in the YAOURE mountains: Zagouta, Alékran, Angovia and Allai blékouamékro in the sub-prefecture of Bouaké-Ivory Coast
  • Field trip in three (3) localities in Ivory Coast including: << Grand Bassam >>, << Samo >>, << Vridi Canal >>.


Loko Group (I.S.F.O.P) Marcory Zone 4 C in Abidjan

October 2013 to July 2015

Bachelor's degree Serie C

Municipal High School of Bonoua

October 2012 to July 2013

Bachelor's degree

Municipal High School of Bonoua

October 2008 to July 2009
  • Basic concept of explosive fire in mines and quarries
  • Exploration and Mining
  • Geochemistry techniques Sol, Roche, Termitiaire
  • Mining Exploration Method
  • Geophysics
  • Cartography


  • Storage Hydrocarbon Transport
  • Refining Techniques
  • Exploration and oil exploitation
  • French
  • English
  • Map Info
  • Map Source
  • Microsoft pack
  • October 12 to 14, 2016: Second Edition of the Ivorian Foundation for Sustainable Development in the Private Sector at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abidjan - Plateau
  • Novel
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Walking
  • go out in group and in team