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Bastien Rouquié

Research engineer

Bastien Rouquié
34 years old
Driving License
Sydney (2000) Australia (New South Wales)
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Engineer in applied mathematics and scientific computing.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Maintained the TOOCAN algorithm (Tracking Of Organized Convection Algorithm through a 3-D segmentatioN) detecting and tracking Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) from geostationary data.
  • Developed and maintained, in IDL, algorithms describing the evolution of geophysical parameters (rain, longwave flux and albedo from the Megha-Tropiques satellite) along the MCS lifecycles.
  • Contributed to scientific presentations:
    MCS life cycle : TOA flux from SCARAB, R Roca, B. Rouquié,T.Fiolleau,O.Chomette, P.Raberanto and D. Bouniol, Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget Workshop, October 7-10, 2014, Toulouse, France: (see Portfolios)

    Mesoscale Convective System life cycle : TOA/BOA fluxes and profiles from CERES/MODIS/CloudSat, D. Bouniol, E. Poan, R. Roca, B. Rouquié, T. Fiolleau, C. Rio, Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget Workshop, October 7-10, 2014, Toulouse, France: