Designed and implemented a livelihood program for returnees in the Nineveh Plain (Qaraqosh, Bartella, Bashiqa) : a mix of grant and loan to purchase equipment needed to start a business. Average : $11,120
Managed and monitored the program budget of $ 420 000
Managed a team of 2 national staff and 1 expat officer
Assessed the needs of the targeted areas and beneficiaries
Selected and followed-up 35 beneficiaries
Coordinated with local authorities,NGOs and INGOs
Established financial and narrative reports on activities for the donors (UNDP & private donors)
Explored opportunities to expand the program
Detailed Description
Achievements:Number of beneficiaries : 35 Target achieved : 117 % Number of jobs created : 123. Target achieved : 117 %
Supervized the Organization of more than 100 training for 1,500 employees in several fields : technical training, professional training, personal development...
Created and publishing a Training Catalog to all the subsidiaries.
Monitored the training demands and registration.
Enhanced and developped new training programs
E-learning Project Manager : Promoted the use of E-learning trainings through a free E-learning Catalog available to all the french subsidiaries.
Implemented a new HRIS (Training Module) : Tested the IS and assess specific customization regarding the needs of our organization, supervized the deployment schedule...
Facilitated meetings with 25 Training Managers in the company.
Supervised a trainee.
Maintained relationships with suppliers : training organization, hotels.
Managed various projects: house-rebuilding after a typhon, coordination of sponsorships for an orphanage, fundraising for the hospitalization of 6 students.
Organized an orientation forum for more than 200 students and selecting 18 of them to become EDM’s scholars.
Followed up with the scholars by meeting the professors, visited the families in remote areas, and conducted regular meetings with the students.
Managed a team of one social worker and one houseparent.
Mobility • Produced various reports about mobility and talent within the division. • Inventored all the talents with their current position and their skillsets in order to facilitate their mobility and promotion within the group. • Organized and facilitating mobility committees with HR managers from the different entities of the division to encourage mobility between the latter • Created communication about the tools available for employees to help them in their career planning, including the anticipation and preparation for mobility within the company. • Set up training for managers regarding their role in fastering the mobility of their staff.
E-learning (Crossknowledge) • Identified the relevant resources that need to be deployed regarding the training needs of the entities. • Provided technical support to the HR managers (registration of their employees for training, revision of reports, technical support on Crossknowledge platform)
Compagnie des Fromages & Richesmonts (groupe Savencia)
April 2010
to November 2010
Elaborated social reports (social audit report, comparative gender status report)
Set up a training school for a cheese company • Identified the purpose of the school and identified the targets depending on the year. • Completed a training on how to design training programs • Creating training modules with the project team. • Communicating on the project. • Organizing and facilitating the kick-off day.
Took part in a career- forum organized by schools to promote the group and hire interns.
Managed administrative HR cases: maintained and updated personnel files, organized a central work council