Graduate engineer of ISARA-Lyon, I am working since January 2017 in the Purchasing, Strategy and Finance Department of SNCF. As a Business Partner of the 41 factories purchases departement, I drive the purchasing performance and offer a job support. I contribute to the animation and the durability of the buyers network. My skills in computer science (Excel, Power BI) and Lean Management allow me to carry out in parallel various project of optimization of process.
I am looking for an international position in management control or change management in the agricultural / agri-food sector. North America and Southeast Asia are markets of particular interest to me.
Travaux en lien avec la production laitière (traite, nettoyage de l'étable, repas des vaches et des veaux...) et fourragère (épandages, séchage des foins, conduite d'engins agricoles...).
Production d'une analyse économique, agronomique et zootechnique de l'exploitation.