After graduating at the University of Maastricht with a Bachelor in International Business Economics in 2016, I did a gap year to gain some practical insights in the field of Finance. I am currently pursuing my Master degree in International Management/Cems in Rotterdam with the University of Sydney as my exchange destination.
Building on my academic and and first professional experiences abroad I am thriving for an international career and I am eager to work in a multi-cultural environment. I believe that the CEMS programme will prepare me for this, not only due to the globally universal business models thought but also due to the very international setting of CEMS, which will help me to further improve my intercultural communication skills and show me how to take advantage of diversity when working with people from different cultural backgrounds.
Screened investment opportunities (mid-sized companies and projects) in East Africa across various sectors (FMCG, medical services, financial institutions, energy and agriculture)
Conducted market research on various industries such as steel, health-care and the pharmaceuticals in East Africa
Prepared and adjusted detailed financial models and forecasts for the purpose of corporate valuation
Drafted financial analysis and executed risk assessment exercises of potential clients in East Africa (using credit rating reports, internal risk assessment and pricing tools
Assisted the Private Equity department in financial and commercial due-diligence process of several investments in the investment phase
Engaged in the DEG's Up-Scaling Program, that intends to provide seed financing for innovative business models with high development impact
Monitored developments of the East African banking sector including consolidation of financial information and preparation of a banking sector barometer for Kenya and Uganda to help the Financial Institutions department to assess competitiveness of local banks
Company Description
The mission of DEG-The German Investment and Development Company, a subsidiary of the German Development Bank, is to promote business initiative in developing and emerging market countries as a contribution to sustainable growth and improved living conditions of the local population. DEG makes long-term financing and advice available to private enterprises investing in these countries. The DEG Office in Nairobi promotes development in the East African Community, Ethiopia and South Sudan. The current portfolio covers a financing volume of over 650 million euros.
Prepared Henkel’s yearly WACC calculation, needed for investment decisions and impairment tests
Conducted Research using the Bloomberg terminal and Research material of various Banks to prepare forecasts on FX rates for the weekly Jour Fix Meetings
Prepared monthly FX-newsletters informing about current market developments and potential FX-risks
Assisted with FX hedging using derivatives
Assisted in cash-pool management, rolling hedges and hedge accounting
Company Description
The Treasury Management Department is responsible for managing various financial risks, including foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk and manages liquidity in order to optimise investment decisions.
Organization of a Financial Field trip to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo for 25 bachelor students, in cooperation with Maastricht University: Contacting companies in Brazil, planning company visits, working out the logistics of the trip
In cooperation with the Johanniter, an NGO with medical duties similar to the Red Cross, I was helping to raise funds and recruit active and passive members for this organization. This job helped me develop communication and negotiation skills, as I needed to persuade people to donate for a good cause.