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Anis Sakhi

A la recherche d'un contrat d'alternance à compter de septembre 2015 - Master 2 Marketing & Stratégie commerciale

Anis Sakhi
Lyon Area France
Professional Status
Resume created on DoYouBuzz
  • Analysis of the pharmaceutical industry in : Afghanistan, Pakistan , Iran, Kazakhstan, Ouzbekistan, Turkmenistan
  • Relationship with local Ministers and Ministry of Health
  • Database creation of 600 laboratories located in this region
  • Identification of market needs
  • Manage contacts suppliers: sourcing, organizing appointments and partners selection
  • Participation in the deployment of a range of services.
  • Support the organization of event operations
  • Animation, coordination and monitoring of marketing campaigns
  • Implementation of communication campaigns (viral)
  • Business development for the acquisition of members and clients
  • Development of a subscription study offer through a marketing study (benchmark,
  • conditions of implementation…) and canvassing new customers in the private sector.
  • Creation and improvement of communication tools (commercial brochure, web site…).
  • Press files construction (national/ international / regional press – Print, TV, Radio, Web)
  • Development and writing press releases and updating of press pack
  • Organisation of conferences and round tables, design and conception of invitations.
  • Preparation of strategic recommendation, telephone follow-ups
  • Negociation of partnerships, review of press coverage and media reporting

Master 2, Cross Cultural Marketing and Negotiation

Ecole de Management de Normandie

September 2010 to June 2014

Class preparing the entrance for the French business schools

Lycée Camille Vernet, Valence

September 2008 to June 2010
  • Microsoft Office
  • PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Customer Service
  • Microsoft Word
  • English
  • Research
  • Strategic Planning
  • Windows
  • Social Media
  • Negotiation
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Anglais
  • French (Native)
  • English (Full professionnal proficiency)
  • Spanish (Advanced)
  • Arab (Beginner)
  • Mayotte Island (2 years)
  • Philippines (6 months)
  • Maroc (6 months)
  • Madagascar, Mauritius Island (1 month)
  • European countries