Software Designer and agile developer, Technical Interviewer, Team Leader, Mentor, Interdisciplinary Learning enthusiast; performed in multiple roles across the SDLC providing solutions working in wide teams and by myself; multiple industry verticals and different clients around the world
Design of Performance Tests suites for new Services and components
Technical Roundtables with feasible clients
Technical Interviewing of potential new employees for the company
WebApp Development on Backbone, Marionette, HTML5, RequireJS, Thymeleaf, Spring MVC, Java. Development of automation tests on NodeJS, mocha, supertest and npm scripts.
Clients: Eharmony USA, Chromeriver USA
Framework design and develoment for Integration tests
Detailed Description
WebApp that acts as an Invoice manager for Enterprise Expenses: Worked here both as an SDET and FE, currently workinf as FE, Working With vanilla Javascript, Frameworks include React, Marionette, Backbone, Redux, TechnologiesHTML5, CSS 3 with SASS, Webpack, Grunt, Tests on Mocha, SinonJs, Handlebars templates, backend serving data with a RESTfull API, Integrations with multiple providers for complementary services like appcues for app tutorials, Google Maps, BingMaps for china support, the project constantly includes support, code reviewing, worked on an Agile Environment
On the SDET task i got assigned, I found the need to write a Framework with a Domain Specific Language for writing acceptance tests for the application implemente on microservices, for main test cases, and verification of endpoints i saw the opportunity to write a code Generator that create Automation Frameworks to test each microservice, generating and validating Data Extracted from the Domain (Using Regular expressions, Extracting Metadata from swagger, and from the Database in MySQL), i builded a Yeoman generator, that cnected to a Swagger url and retrieved metadata and used infromation from Java Entities in a given git repository.