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Allia Haiderali

Master student in Management of Information Systems

Student Looking for an internship
23 - Various and multi-purpose experiences - Rigor, involvement and dynamism.
  • Handi'Mix (Paris, France) from September 2013 to May 2014. Responsible of events management. Implementation of cultural and artistic workshops (cooking activity, theatre classes) for physically and mentally handicapped persons.
  • Graine de Bitumes (Antananarivo, Madagascar). from 2009 to 2011. Malagasy association that aims to provide courses of French and Mathematics for children who don't have access to education.
  • Linguistic trip of 2 months in London as an "au pair" girl.
  • The exposure to other cultures and other ways of life: Albania, Cyprus, Brazil, Singapore, Thailad, Dubaï...